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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 10, 2024

Historical Archive: Known Artists, Aaron to Boucher

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Aaron son of Feofan 1439, Deesis in 2nd tier iconostasis, Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own interior page
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Hajji 'Abbas, dove, steel with gold and garnet, Iran 18th-19th c., BM 1878,1230.753. For another view see BM.
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Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahid and Hajib Mas'ud ibn Ahmad: Bobrinsky bucket, bronze with silver and copper, Afghanistan, 1163, Hermitage IR-2268. This work has its own page. [alphabetized as Abd...]
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Master Abram/Avraam/Abraham: after 1150s, poss. 15th c., additions to Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page.
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Lawrence Alma-Tadema 1866, Vespasian hearing of the taking of Jerusalem, oil on panel in original frame, UMMA 2004/2.143. This work has its own page.
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Master G. Alpais and workshop (French), reliquary châsse plaque: Crucifixon and St. Thomas Becket, copper gilt and enamel, c.1220-1225, CMA 1951.449
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Abbess Alpheid, Alpais: Cushion of St. Rémi, silk and gold embroidery, 852; on 10th c. silk. This work has its own page.
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Albrecht Altdorfer 1509-18, SS Margaret and Barbara, from altarpiece of St. Sebastian, Abbey of St. Florian. For detail and SS Margaret and Barbara see St. Florian.
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Andrea Pisano or poss. Nino Pisano, Virgin and child 1330-1336, alabaster, MFAB 7167 or 1100. This work has its own page.
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Apollonios son of Nestor, Belvedere Torso, Parian marble, mid 1st c. BCE Athens, Vat 1192. This work has its own page.
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Gabriel Argy-Rousseau (French 1885-1953), vase with crab c.1919, pâte-de-verre, PMA 1970-110-1. For detail see PMA.
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Ivan Arip, 1435: Panagiarion, silver gilt, which has its own page, Novgorod AM
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Arnould de Vuez, Faith 1704 on left, Lille Hospice Comtesse, which has its own page.
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Carlo Antonio *Arrighi, 1718-19, bell tower of San Francesco, Pescia, which has its own page
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Friedrich Joseph *Ark and Robert Cremer: window 1869-70, remade Wilhelm Geyer 1954, Aachen cathedral. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Conrad Atkinson, NEAnderthal, mixed media 1989, UMMA 2004/2.106. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
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Henri Auguste, bronze medallion Attentat á la vie de Bonaparte: plaque with hair of Napoleon, silver/gilt/bronze, France 1840s, Hermitage UM-30876. For full plaque see Hermitage.

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George Austin Jr. 1854-61: Canterbury cathedral stained glass, which has its own page. See also Canterbury Norman Staircase and Court Hall.
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Péleo Bacci, 1926 upper cornice and other elements, Pisa cathedral pulpit, which has its own page, in cathedral
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Louis Bachelet: Reliquary, Viollet-le-Duc design 1851, gilt bronze on wood, AIC 2016.118. This work has its own page.
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Tilman Riemenschneider/Hans *Backoffen c.1500, saint, linden wood w. polychromy, SF 46.8.1, which has its own page
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Badia a Isola Master (or Duccio with Badia a Isola Master), Virgin and Child, c.1290, tempera and gold on wood 65 x 50 cm, SPN 593. For details see SPN.
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G. Baldratti, design, French 10 Franc coin honoring the Capetian millennium, nickel-bronze, 1987, p.c. For detail and reverse see Private Collections.
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Giovanni *Balducci or Bonino da Campione: Arca di Sant' Agostino, 1362-aft. 1409, San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, Pavia. This work has its own page.
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Giuseppe Bartolini 1704, St. Cassian blesses Imola, oil/canvas, Imola
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Goro di Bartolomeo, Leonardo di Bartolomeo, Bartolommeo d'Andrea Bocchi: stained glass windows 1453-54, Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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attrib. *Bartolomeo di Giovanni, Crucifixion w. SS. Mary Magdalen, Anthony of Padua, George; late 15th c., Arezzo MS, which has its own page
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Charles Bazaine windows 1966, St. Séverin, Paris, which has its own page.
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Jakob Beinhart (fl. Wrocław 1483-1525), St. Luke painting Virgin fr. church St. Mary Magdalene Wrocław, limewood c.1506, MNW Śr. 15. This work has its own page.
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Walther Benner windows 1949-51: Aachen cathedral choir from octagon. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Georg Bergmann 1855-57: polychrome on stucco Beatitudes and saints, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Bonaventura *Berlinghieri 1235, St. Francis, which has its own page
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Emile Bernard (1868-1941), Corner cabinet with Breton scenes 1891-92, wood with polychrome, IMA 2010.38. For details see IMA.
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Giovanni Bernardi, Christ before Pilate, obverse, intaglio rock crystal in gold with enamel and gems, c.1547, WAM 41.240. For detail and reverse see Walters.
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Giovanni *Bernardi da Castelbolognese, medal: Pope Clement VII de'Medici, gilt bronze 1529-30, UCh 1977.117. For reverse see UCh.
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Bernini dome for Urban VIII, 1630-33, Lateran Baptistery octagon, Rome. The baptistery octagon and narthex have their own interior page.
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Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 1673 Model for casting bronze angel, iron/wicker/clay/straw, Vat 6561, which has its own page
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Bertozzi/Casoni 1997, Scegli il Paradiso, majolica, which has its own page, Imola
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Bertrand: St. George and the dragon, marble, Michel Colombe 1509-10; frame prob. Jerome Pacherot, Jean Chersalle, Bertrand de Meynal. Louvre MR 1645. This work has its own page.
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Jean-Baptiste Bethune dome mosaic design 1872, aft. Ciampini 1699, execution Antonio Salviati 1880-81, Aachen cathedral. The cathedral has its own pages.
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J.F. Binder? Robinson in Attire, Robinson Crusoe in Serbian, Buda 1799, Belgrade MAA 4246. For full opening see Belgrade MAA.
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George Bitar, 1891, Iconostasis in Paris, St. Julien le Pauvre. The building has its own page.
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Bonannus of Pisa, Pisa Cathedral doors, bronze, c.1180. This work has its own page.
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Alessandro Bardelli, Gloria di Angeli 1624, painting formerly surrounding Berlinghieri St. Francis (here in a copy), San Francesco, Pescia, which has its own page with Berlinghieri
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Guido *Bigarelli da Como, font 1245-46, Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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Christoph Bleeker 1940, head of Count Konrad, Naumburg Cathedral west choir, which has its own page.
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Emile Boeswillwald, south transept window tracery remade 1876, Chartres cathedral. For context see Chartres.
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Joseph Bohland, nave ceiling Tree of Jesse, eastern end remade 1959-60, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Giovanni Balducci or *Bonino da Campione: Arca di Sant' Agostino, 1362-aft. 1409, San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, Pavia. This work has its own page.
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F Borromini et al., main altar and Ceva memorials, 1673-99, Lateran Baptistery, Rome, Chapel of St. Vanantius. This chapel has its own interior page.
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François-Joseph Bosio, Henry IV as child, silver 1824, Louvre C.C. 37. This work has its own page.
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François Boucher 1732-34, Hercules and Omphale, Pushkin Ж 2764
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François Boucher 1744, Jupiter (as Diana) and Callisto?, Pushkin Ж 733. For scale see Pushkin.