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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 10, 2024

Historical Archive: Known Artists, Giovanni di Balduccio to Limosin

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Giovanni di Balduccio, Charity, marble c.1330, NGA 1960.5.4. This work has its own page.
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Giovanni di Cecco (completion), Cappella di Piazza 1325-76, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, which has its own exterior page
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Giovanni di Paolo c. 1435, Annunciation and Expulsion, tempera on panel, NGA. This work has its own page.
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Giovanni di Paolo 1453, St. Nicholas polyptych, SPN inv. 173, which has its own page
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Giovanni di Paolo 1460-65, Last Judgment, SPN inv. 172, which has its own page
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Giuliano da Maiano (circle of), Crucifix, 1458?, Cardini chapel, San Francesco, Pescia, which has its own page
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Giusto de' Menabuoi (Giusto Padovano), 1376 paintings in Baptistery, cathedral of Padua. This work has its own pages.
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parts Prokhor *Gorodets and Andrei Rublev: iconostasis upper narrow strip, square feast icons early 15th c., Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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Hans Greiff, Holy Kindred reliquary, Ingolstadt 1472, silver, silver gilt, paint, gems, pearls, Cluny Cl. 17048. This work has its own page.
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Edmund Beckett Lord *Grimthorpe, St Albans cathedral west front, 1880-83; St Albans has its own pages with more Grimthorpe.
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Italo Griselli 1929 bronze St. John in center of font, Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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Andrea Guacioloti, Pope Nicholas V in the ship Eclesia, cast bronze 1455, UMMA 1984/1.283
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Guido da Siena, Virgin and Child enthroned, 1270s, church of San Domenico, Siena. This work has its own page.
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Guido da Siena/Guido di Graziano or Saint Peter Master, St. Peter altarpiece, 1280s. SPN 15. This work has its own page.
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Guido da Siena assistant, Virgin and Child enthroned, c.1260-70, Arezzo MS 2. This work has its own page.
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Charles Guillot, Carmelite nuns in the Infirmary, oil on canvas 18th c., MAHSD
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Pierre Rousseau or Raymond *Guyonnet/Rémon Guinnot: Nef of St. Ursula, carnelian/gold/silver gilt/copper/enamel 1500, Tau, which has its own page
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William Hackwood (Wedgwood), Anti-slavery medallion, 1787 England: stoneware, steel, ivory. AIC 1912.326
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Johann Leonhard Hahn, coconut shell cup, silver? 1656, LMM 74/34. For detail see LMM.
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Martin Hansen c.1900, church ship Minerva, Jelling, which has its own page
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Waldemar Hansteen, Gol stave church restoration 1884-85, Oslo NMCH, which has its own page
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C.F. Harsdorff 1774-1825, Chapel of Frederik V, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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Ferdinand Hartzer 1893, bronze St. Bernward, seen from vestibule of North Paradise, Cathedral, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Hemmings & Co. c.1895-96: glass, Canterbury Chapter house, which has its own page with additional views.
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Harry Hems 1899, St Albans cathedral: Wallingford screen sculpture; St Albans has its own pages.
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Hermann, 18th c., decollation of St. Savinian, Sens cathedral
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Hugo de Walcourt (Hugo d'Oignies), Reliquary cross, silver gilt and gems on wood core, c.1230, MRAH 3214. This work has its own page.
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Jean Hympe the elder and the younger and Tassin Gassot, Sens cathedral north transept windows, c.1515-19. This work has its own page.
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Ivan Derma IArtsev (Yartsev) and Andrei Lavrent’ev 1508-09, figures flanking center Deesis in 2nd tier iconostasis, Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own interior page
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Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahid and Hajib Mas'ud ibn Ahmad: Bobrinsky bucket, bronze with silver and copper, Afghanistan, 1163, Hermitage IR-2268. This work has its own page. [alphabetized as ibn...]
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Muhammad ibn al-Zayn, Baptistère de Saint Louis, Egypt or Syria c.1330-40, Louvre LP16. This work has its own page. [alphabetized as ibn...]
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Jean de Court (Vigier), enamel, Baking Bread: Labor for December, 1540-60, UMMA 1977/1.168
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Jean de Court 1575-85, Crossing the Red Sea, enamel/copper, SF 48.2. For details see SF.
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Jehan de Beauce/Jean Texier 1507-13, northwest tower spire, Chartres cathedral. For context see Chartres.
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Jehan de Beauce 1514-29/Jean Texier, chancel screen, Chartres cathedral. For more views see Chartres.
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Johannes Junge 1423, alabaster effigy Queen Margrete I (d. 1412), Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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Johann Joachim *Kaendler c.1736, hoopoe birds, Meissen porcelain, SF, which have their own page
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I.P. Khlebnikov jewelry firm, execution of iconostasis framework 1894-96, Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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Felice Kibel 1860s: heavy restoration of Baptism, Ravenna, Orthodox baptistery. This work has its own pages.
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Ladislas Kijno 1999, rose window Cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-la-Treille, Lille, which has its own page.
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Kim Yikyung (Korean, b.1935), duck shaped vessel 2004, stoneware with iron oxide painting over white slip, UMMA 2010/2.30. For additional views see UMMA. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
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Anne Klein, watch, twentieth century, p.c. For detail see private collections.
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Chalice of *Kosta (left), 12th c. Byzantine Novgorod, silver gilt, Novgorod AM.
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Kryvtsov and Myshkin of Pskov, core of structure 1484-89, Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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Lachenal: Joseph-Théodore Deck and prob. Edmond Lachenal, tile plaque with ducks, earthenware with underglaze and enamel, c.1880 France, PMA 1973-203-1a. For companion plaque see see PMA.
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René Lalique, pendant with chain, Paris c.1900, MAAB. Lalique has his own page.
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Jørn Larsen 2000, church interior fittings, Jelling, which has its own page
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Andrei Lavrent’ev and Ivan Derma Yrtsev 1508-09, figures flanking center Deesis in 2nd tier iconostasis, Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own interior page
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Jean-Baptiste Tuby, on Charles *LeBrun design: 1681 marble revetment on arcade, St. Séverin, Paris, which has its own page.
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Verreries *Legras (estab. 1869), Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc), molded glass bottle, MAHSD Na 4348. For additional views see Saint Denis Museum.
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Johannes Lencker (1573-1637), ostrich egg cup with cover, Augsburg 1620-25, MAAB. For details see UMMA.
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Giovanni Leon, Saint Martha's hand reliquary from the convent of St Martha of Venice, silver gilt, Venice 1472-74, Louvre OA 5641. This work has its own page.
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Lucas van *Leyden (or Dierick Vellert?), Esther before Ahasuerus, stained glass, 1518, CMA 1925.29
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Jacopo Ligozzi, 1595 Martyrdom of St. Dorothy on left, San Francesco, Pescia, which has its own page
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Léonard Limosin (attrib.), enamel on copper from Feuillantines convent (Paris), repeating Chartres composition: François I as St Thomas the Apostle, mid 16th c. Limoges, Louvre MR XIII suppl 211. For detail and companion St Paul see Louvre.
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Léonard Limosin (attrib.), the Dauphin (future François II), enamel on copper, Limoges c.1553, Louvre N 1253