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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
December 19, 2023

Historical Archive: Known Artists, Salviati to Rogier van der Weyden

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Antonio Salviati dome mosaic execution 1880-81, design Jean-Baptiste Bethune 1872 aft. Ciampini 1699, Aachen cathedral. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Anthony Salvin 1843 font and many additions, Cambridge Holy Sepulchre, which has its own page
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Frederick Sandys 1860, Portrait of a Lady, prob. Anne Simms Reeve, oil on panel, UMMA 1987/1.158. For a detail see UMMA.
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Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni), St. Thomas Aquinas at Prayer (predella panel from a polyptych), tempera on poplar wood, c.1423-26, MFAB 32. This work has its own page.
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U. Sautter, flagon in the form of an owl, silver gilt?, Ulm 1580s, MAAB. For other views see MAAB.
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Angelo Savoldi, crypt of San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, Pavia, 1884-1901. This work has its own page.
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Hermann Schaper 1889 wall/pier mosaics/cladding, window designs; executed Puhl & Wagner 1896-1902, Aachen cathedral. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Hugo Schneider 1879-84: western tower of Aachen cathedral Westwork. The cathedral has its own pages.
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circle of Martin *Schongauer 1489, Annunciation/mystic hunt for the unicorn, Pushkin 2734
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Gilbert Scott renovation 1872-76: brass lectern, choir screen, and alabaster and marble pulpit, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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Gilbert Scott west end vaulting 1878, St Albans cathedral nave south aisle to east; St Albans has its own pages.
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Tony *Selmersheim and Charles Plumet 1896-97, dressing table, satinwood/bronze/glass, KGM 1897,232. For another view see Berlin.
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Servandoni 1742, baldachin of high altar, Sens cathedral, which has its own interior page.
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Servandoni: Sens cathedral chevet to east, apse illuminated for Mass
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Simon Shiroka (b.1927), reliefs in National Library of Kosovo, Pristina, which has its own page
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Jos. Som of Ueberlingen (attrib., 1506-63), Processional cross, Freiburg im Breisgau, Münster treasury. For crystal see Frieburg.
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Speidel watch band with Sheffield watch, probably mid-twentieth century, p.c. For other views see private collections.
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Parri Spinelli, Madonna of Mercy w. lives SS. Lorentino, Pergentino, tempera/panel 1435-37, Arezzo MS, which has its own page
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Parri Spinelli, prob. Battle of the Milvian Bridge, c.1435-40, fresco fr. abbey of SS. Flora e Lucella, Arezzo MS
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Parri Spinelli, God sending Gabriel to Mary, fresco c.1440-49, fr. Duomo Vecchio, Tabernacle of the Annunciation, Arezzo MS
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Spinello Aretino (1350-1410), St. Michael and the Rebel Angels fresco, Arezzo, church of San Francesco
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Giuseppe *Stagi, Francesco Mosca, Lorenzi *Stoldo di Gino 1505-c.1577: south transept chapel, Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages; see Stoldo below
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Lorenz Steenwinckel c.1620, Chapel of Christian IV, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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Stefano Fiorentino? or Giotto, fresco c.1315-20, head of a woman, MFAB 30. For additional views see MFAB.
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Lorenzi *Stoldo di Gino, Francesco Mosca, marble, metalwork Luca D'andrea: Coronation of the Virgin 1565-83, int. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages; see Stagi above
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Strumpf, Touvier, Viollet & Co., vase with flowers, layered and cut glass, Pantin France c.1900, PMA 1900-145
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Hans Studer, marble pedestal of Sion cathedral pulpit, 1622-26. For the pulpit see Sion Cathedral.
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Absolon Stumme 1499, Life of Mary polyptych from Hamburg cathedral, MNW Śr. 432. This work has its own page.
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N.A. Sultanov, design for iconostasis framework 1894-96, Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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shop of Jörg Syrlin the younger, SS. Jerome and Gregory, lindenwood and polychrome, Ulm c.1500, UMMA 1958/1.59. This work has its own page.
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János Szilassy, chalice with enamel panels, silver gilt? Lőcse (Levoča) 1777, MAAB. For detail see MAAB.
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Yoshio Taylor (American, b. Okinawa 1948), Blue Cat, polychrome ceramic, 1996, IMA 2001.323. Art object copyright: artist/heirs. For other views see IMA.
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Jean Texier/Jehan de Beauce 1507-13, northwest tower spire, Chartres cathedral. For context see Chartres.
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Jean Texier/Jehan de Beauce 1514-29, chancel screen, Chartres cathedral. For more views see Chartres.
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prob. Master *Theodoric, panel paintings 1360-64, Karlstejn Castle, Chapel of the Holy Cross, which has its own page
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prob. Theophanes the Greek: Deesis late 14th c., iconostasis tallest icons: Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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Louis Comfort Tiffany, Henry O. Havemeyer House, New York, front doors (exterior), wood, copper, and iridescent Favrile glass 1890-91, UMMA 1986.146.3A,B. Parts from this building have their own page.
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Louis Comfort Tiffany, iridescent Favrile glass Persian rosewater sprinkler c.1896-1900, UMMA 1972/2.223. For other views see UMMA.
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Louis Comfort Tiffany and studio, Wade Chapel, dedicated 1901, Lake View Cemetery, Cleveland. This work has its own page.
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Louis Comfort Tiffany, leaded glass and wood windows with grapes c.1905-10, p.c. on loan to UMMA. For details see UMMA.
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Tino da Camaino, Tomb of Emperor Henry VII of Luxembourg 1313-15, int. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages with detail
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Tino di Camaino, Madonna and Child with Queen Sancia, SS and Angels, marble, c.1335, NGA 1960.5.1. This work has its own page.
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poss. Arnt van *Tricht, Passion scenes, oak predella fr. Kalkar c.1530-40, Schn A859. For detail see Schn.
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Jean-Baptiste Tuby, on Charles LeBrun design: 1681 marble revetment on arcade, St. Séverin, Paris, which has its own page.
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J. Turriano?, musical automaton in the form of a male saint, court of Charles V, Madrid 1570-80, MAAB. For detail see MAAB.
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Ugolino? Duccio workshop, Virgin and Child with angels, Old Testament figures, and saints 1312-19, SPN 47. This work has its own page.
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Fedor Ugrinets, Yuriev (Apakos) Gospel, 1119-1128, MSHM
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Simon Ushakov, Mandylion over entry late 17th c., Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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Francesco di *Valdambrino 1403-09, polychromed wood, Christ child blessing, SPN inv. 36 1BS, which has its own page
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Rogier *van der Weyden, St. Luke drawing the Virgin, oil transferred to canvas c.1435-40s, Hermitage ГЭ-419. For view with person for scale see Hermitage.