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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 10, 2024

Historical Archive: Known Artists, van de Velde to 'Master of'

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Henry *van de Velde, wicker chair 1904-08, KGM O-1970.22. For other views see Berlin.
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Jan van Eyck, Saint Francis receiving stigmata 1430-32, oil on vellum on panel, PMA cat. 314. For view with frame see PMA.
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Giuliano Vangi altar 2001 (front), int. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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Jan *van Steffeswert, Virgin and Child 1524 with later clouds and beams, Aachen cathedral choir. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Giovanni Maria Vasaro? woman shamed for infidelity, faience, Deruta 1510, Louvre OA 9205
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Dierick (Dirk) Vellert, Judgment of Solomon, stained glass, Netherlandish c.1530, CMA 1968.188
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Weddeghe Velstede, silver gilt reliquary monstrance 1433, with Fatimid crystal, AIC 1962.91. This work has its own page.
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Jean de Court (Vigier), enamel, Baking Bread: Labor for December, 1540-60, UMMA 1977/1.168
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Jean de Court (Vigier), Crossing the Red Sea, enamel/copper, 1575-85, SF 48.2. For details see SF.
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mostly *Vincino di Vanni da Pistoia, Deesis mosaic 1321, int. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages with details
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Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc: Reliquary design, made by Louis Bachelet 1851, gilt bronze on wood, AIC 2016.118. This work has its own page.
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base Viollet-le-Duc reconstruction: Philippe de France (Philippe Dagobert, d.1235), c.1260, from Abbey of Royaumont, Saint-Denis basilica
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architect Vita from Kotor, Montenegro: Dečani monastery church, 1322-31, which has its own pages
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Antonio Vite c.1388, evangelists in vault, San Francesco, Pescia, which has its own page
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Frantisek Vízner (Czech, b. 1936), untitled, cast and cut glass, c.1993, IMA 2001.110. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
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Volupté compact: silver, mirror, fabric, and cosmetic powder, probably early 20th c., p.c. For other views see private collections
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Cornelis (II) Floris De *Vriendt 1549, Dorothea of Denmark (d.1547), duchess of Brandenburg-Ansbach, alabaster, Pushkin CK550. For profile view see Pushkin.
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Muhammad ibn Abd *al-Wahid and Hajib Mas'ud ibn Ahmad: Bobrinsky bucket, bronze with silver and copper, Afghanistan, 1163, Hermitage IR-2268. This work has its own page.
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Thomas Willement and William *Wailes, stained glass, Cambridge Holy Sepulchre, which has its own page
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Waismuth: Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page.
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poss. Walter of Colchester, St Albans cathedral pier painting c.1190-1220; St Albans has its own pages.
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Wamps-Masquelier, Lille, faience tile after Dutch model, first half 18th c.: shepherd and snails, Lille Hospice Comtesse, which has its own page with architectural context. This work and related tiles have their own page.
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Jakob Weiss, ring with watch and Crucifixion triptych with instruments of the Passion, gold and enamel, c.1585, IMA 73.70.93. For other views see IMA.

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William of Sens and William the Englishman: 1174-1184 parts of Canterbury cathedral, which has its own interior and exterior pages.
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Thomas *Willement and William Wailes, stained glass, Cambridge Holy Sepulchre, which has its own page
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Gerald Woehl organ 1999, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Wilhelm Wohlert, Inger and Johannes Exner 1985, mausoleum of King Frederik IX and Queen Ingrid, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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Frank Lloyd Wright, windows from Darwin Martin house, Buffalo NY, 1904; glass, lead, and oak, UMMA 1968/2.52-53. For detail see UMMA
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Nicholas *Wurmser of Strasbourg (poss.), relic transfers, 1356-58, Karlstejn Castle, Chapel of the Virgin Mary which has its own own page with more views.
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Ivan Derma Yartsev (IArtsev) and Andrei Lavrent’ev 1508-09, figures flanking center Deesis in 2nd tier iconostasis, Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own interior page

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Yevely (Yeveley), Henry: 1377-81 parts of Canterbury cathedral, which has its own interior and exterior pages.
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Yevele, Henry: 1380 Neville Screen, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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Muhammad ibn al-Zayn, Baptistère de Saint Louis, Egypt or Syria c.1330-40, Louvre LP16. This work has its own page. [alphabetized as al-Zayn]
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Zhao Pingchong, engraver: Chinese rock crystal on wood stand, dated 1736 or 1796, PMA 1944-20-8a,b. This object has its own page.
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Vilmos Zsolnay factory, vase in the form of a gourd, porcelain, Pécs c.1882, MAAB. For another view see MAAB.
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Fyodor Zubov 1682 and others, icon SS Peter, John the Baptist, and Alexis (right), Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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Badia a Isola Master (or Duccio with Badia a Isola Master), Virgin and Child, c.1290, tempera and gold on wood 65 x 50 cm, SPN 593. For details see SPN.
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Clarisse Master (active last 3rd of 13th c.), The Lord and the Virgin Enthroned together, tempera and gold on wood 97 x 59 cm, Convent of the Clarisse, Siena.
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Madonna del Voto Master (Dietisalvi di Speme?), Virgin and Child with SS Paul, Peter, John the Evangelist, and Andrew, c.1265-75, SPN 6. This work has its own page.
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Madonna del Voto Master (Dietisalvi di Speme?), Madonna del Voto, mid 1280s, tempera and gold on wood, Siena cathedral
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follower of Madonna del Voto Master, Virgin and Child with SS Francis, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, and Mary Magdalen, c.1270-80, SPN 7. This work has its own page.
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Master of Saint Agata, Virgin and Child Enthroned, c.1250-75, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence. This work has its own page.
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Master of Saint Giles: Mass of St. Giles, oil on panel c.1500, LNGA, which has its own page with companion panel
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Master of Saints Cosmas and Damian, Madonna dei Mantellini, c.1250-75, SPN 603. This work has its own page.
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Master of San Bernardino, Virgin and Child, 1262, SPN 16. This work has its own page.
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circle of Master of the "Kanis Triptych", Lucretia, stained glass, Netherlandish c.1530, CMA 1951.335. For detail see CMA.
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Master of the Large Foreheads: Annunciation and Nativity triptych, enamel, frame gilt copper on wood with traces polychrome and gilding, early 16th c. Limoges, PMA 1930-1-62. For details see PMA.
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Master of the Life of John the Baptist: John the Baptist fasting, stained glass from St. Pierre du Châtel, Rouen, early 16th c., PMA 1929-131-1. For detail and companion glass see PMA.
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Master of the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, infant Hercules attacked by snake, ivory c.1660, SF 52.6.4. For other views see SF.
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Meerbeck carver, Passion c.1525-30, North Paradise, Cathedral, Hildesheim, which has its own pages with details
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Meister mit dem Brustlatz, Saint Margaret, wood, Mainz? c.1500, LMM O,2507. For other views see LMM.
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Naumburg Master: Naumburg cathedral west choir, c.1245-50, and deacon lectern in east choir, which have their own pages
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Mass of St. Gregory, early 16th c., tempera on pine, *Portillo Master (active Palencia 1460-1506), MFAB 85.7. For a detail see MFAB.
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Retascon Master, St. Andrew with donor and Crucifixion, tempera and oil on wood, Aragon c.1430, MFAB 99.1
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Saint Peter Master or Guido da Siena/Guido di Graziano, St. Peter altarpiece, 1280s. SPN 15. This work has its own page.