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February 8, 2024

Historical Archive: Chalices and Patens

Representations follow surviving examples.
See also basins in the form of chalices in Nativity imagery.

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Gourdon Chalice or cup. Gold, turquoise, red glass, and garnet, c.500, CdM. This work has its own page.
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Gourdon Paten. Gold, turquoise, red glass or garnet, c.500, CdM. This work has its own page.
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patens: Sion treasure, c.550-75, silver, which has its own page with asterisk
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chalice: Sion treasure, c.550-75, silver, which has its own page
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Riha paten, silver/gilt/niello, 565-78, DO BZ.1924.5, which has its own page
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chalice or footed cup: Zalissia treasure, silver, c.650-700, KHM VIIa, which has its own page with detail
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Grimfridus chalice, copper alloy with gilt and silver, early 9th c., DO BZ.33.4. This work has its own page.
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paten, metalwork mid to second half 9th c., serpentine plate 1st c. BCE/CE, fish inlay poss. 4th/5th c., Louvre MR 415. This work has its own page.
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silver chalice from Trewhiddle hoard, before 875, Trewhiddle, Cornwall, Eng., BM 1880,0410.1-3
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chalice of Archbishop Gervais, gold, mid 11th c., Tau. For detail see Reims.
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paten of Archbishop Gervais, silver/gold, mid 11th c., Tau
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chalice, paten fr. grave Bishop Hezilo (reg. 1054-79), silver, HildMus DS28c. For chalice profile see HildMus.
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Heinrichskelch, Fatimid crystal cup c. 1000 in 12th c. German metalwork, Munich Reisdenz Schatzkammer. For another view see Munich.
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Chalice of Bratilo, 12th c. Byzantine Novgorod, silver gilt, Novgorod AM. This work has its own page.
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Coronation chalice, gold/enamel/gems, c.1175-1200, which has its own page, Tau
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chalice, 14th c., HNM
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Lebuinus chalice, silver gilt 14th c. with Carolingian ivory, Utrecht ABM bi787, which has its own page
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Ivan Arip, 1435: Panagiarion (paten on stand), silver gilt, which has its own page, Novgorod AM
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chalice, Transylvania c.1500, MAAB. For detail see MAAB.
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chalice with enamel panels, silver gilt? János Szilassy, Lőcse (Levoča) 1777, MAAB. For detail see MAAB.
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model chalice, design Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin, made by John Hardman Co., England c.1849. Gilt metal, enamel, stone. AIC 1981.640
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glass chalice, Henrik Giergl workshop, Budapest before 1898, MAAB. For additional views see MAAB.
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Theodora and retinue, apse wall mosaic, Ravenna, Church of San Vitale, 527-48. This work has its own interior and exterior pages.
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Communion of the Apostles: Riha paten, silver/gilt/niello, 565-78, DO BZ.1924.5, which has its own page
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chalice and doves, agate cameo, Italy 7th c.?, or Byzantine?, DO 48.19. For other views see DO.
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reliquary or chrismatory, copper/garnets/glass, c.700, Utrecht ABM m904, which has its own page
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liturgical scenes, ivory, c.870-75? Louvre MR 368, MR 369. This work has its own page.
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Crucifixion/Genesis ivory, c.1050-75, SMBByz 589, which has its own page with reverse
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portable altar of Henry II of Werl, Roger of Helmarshausen c.1105 or 1120-27, DMP DS2, which has its own page
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Crucifixion reliquary cross plaque, copper gilt and enamel, Mosan mid 12th c., WAM 44.98. For full object and detail see Walters.
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Stavelot altar, gilt bronze with enamel and rock crystal, c.1150-60, MRAH 1590. This work has its own page.
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Alexander of Malonne with deacons: Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page.
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cross from Scheldewindeke, rock crystal and enamel, Mosan c.1170-1200, MRAH 3669. This work has its own page.
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upper right: St. Valerie of Limoges reliquary, gilt copper/enamel, Limoges c.1175, Hermitage Ф-175. For oblique view see Hermitage.
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Thomas Becket reliquary, Limoges c.1180-90, V&A M.66-1997. This work has its own page.
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reliquary of Thomas Becket, copper alloy/enamel, Limoges c.1190-1200, Cluny Cl. 23296 For full work see Cluny.
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Thomas Becket reliquary, copper/enamel, c.1200-1210, SF. For oblique view see SF.
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reliquary of Thomas Becket, copper alloy/enamel, Limoges c.1200-25, Cluny Cl. 22596. For full wprk see Cluny.
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reliquary châsse plaque: Crucifixon and St. Thomas Becket, copper gilt and enamel, Master G. Alpais and workshop (French), c.1220-1225, CMA 1951.449
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Chartres cathedral, south transept windows 1221-30. For more views see Chartres.
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Chartres cathedral, north transept windows 1234-35. For more views see Chartres.
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Bonaventura Berlinghieri 1235, St. Francis, which has its own page with another chalice
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Virgin and child trampling a monster, ivory, 1st quarter of 14th c. Paris, Louvre OA 11097
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Tyranny enthroned holding poss. inverted chalice or paten on stand: Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Good and Bad Government 1338-40, Siena, which has its own page
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Giovanni Pisano pulpit 1302-10, which has its own page, in Pisa cathedral
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Life of St. Martin of Tours, embroidered altar frontal, 2nd half of 14th c., MRAH. This work has its own page.
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Faith with chalice: Arca di Sant' Agostino, 1362-aft. 1409, San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, Pavia. This work has its own page.
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Agnus Dei box with name Pope Urban IV, copper gilt, 1380-90, prob. Italy, PMA 1930-1-41. For another view see PMA.
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Crucifixion, painted ivory, c.1400-50 Rhineland or Flanders, Schn B144
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Man of Sorrows w. instruments Passion, Niccolo di Pietro Gerini c.1405-06, tempera/panel fr Santissima Annunziata, Florence: Arezzo MS
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Winterfeld Diptych: Virgin and Child, Man of Sorrows with Holy Lance and instruments of the Passion, Ecce Homo, tempera on oak, from church of Notre Dame in Gdansk, Gdansk c.1430, MNW Śr. 206. For additional views see MNW.
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Man of Sorrows from St. Nicholas church in Brzeg (Brieg), Wrocław 1443, paint on larch wood, MNW Śr. 343. This work has its own page.
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St. Barbara w. chalice, Host: parchment, north German, c.1450-1500, WienMus
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Pedro de Córdoba, Mass of Saint Gregory c.1475, oil on wood, IMA 57.82. For detail see IMA.
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top right: Annunciation polyptych fr. church St. Elizabeth Wrocław, tempera on wood, c.1480, MNW Śr. 124. This work has its own page.
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Piero di Cosimo, Volto Santo (Christ on the Cross), c.1500-10, MFAB 1100. This work has its own page.
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Annunciation and Arma Christi, wood rosary bead, south Low Countries, early 16th c., Cluny: Louvre OA347. For view with chain see Louvre.
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Mass of St. Gregory, early 16th c., tempera on pine, Portillo Master (active Palencia 1460-1506), MFAB 85.7. For full object see MFAB.
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oak altarpiece 1500-25, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Albrecht Altdorfer 1509-18, SS Margaret and Barbara, from altarpiece of St. Sebastian, Abbey of St. Florian. For detail see Austria.
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Gabriel shows Daniel the triumph of Ecclesia over Synagoga: Sens cathedral north transept, Jean Hympe the elder and the younger and Tassin Gassot, c.1515-19. This work has its own page.
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center left: Alessandro Bardelli, Gloria di Angeli 1624, painting formerly surrounding Berlinghieri St. Francis (here in a copy), San Francesco, Pescia, which has its own page with Berlinghieri
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St. Thomas at altar, Samuel Caldwell Jr. 1919-49: Canterbury cathedral, which has its own glass page.
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related, footed bowl left: 3 Towers Reliquary, 1370-90, AachenCT. This work has its own page.