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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
January 16, 2024

Historical Archive: Carts, Chariots, Sledges, Yokes
representations follow surviving objects

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Oseberg cart, 8th-early 9th c., OsloVSM, which has its own pages
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Oseberg sledge, wood with metal, c.834, OsloVSM, which has its own pages
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Standard of Ur, lapis lazuli, shell, and red limestone, c. 2600-2400 BCE, BM ME 121201. This work has its own page.
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Sun god in a quadriga, hematite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 63.4.16, Bonner 227. For reverse see Kelsey.
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Augustus of Prima Porta, marble, early 1st c. CE, Vat MV.2290.0.0, which has its own page
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Gemma Augustea, banded agate cameo, 9/10-12 CE, KHM ANSA IXa 79. This work has its own page.
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Dionysos with centaurs on sarcophagus with Bacchic procession, marble, c.150-200, KM 1981.03.0001. This work has its own page.
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oxen pulling a cart, funerary monument of Flavia Usiau, 2nd half of 2nd c., Tác-Gorsium. This work has its own page.
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Dionysiac triumph, marble loculus cover, late 2nd-early 3rd c., Penn MS4017, which has its own page
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upper corners: Mithras fr. City of London temple, marble, late 2nd-early 3rd c., MoL A16933
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victorious charioteers, tortoise-shell reliefs, 3rd c., RLM
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victorious charioteers, tortoise-shell reliefs, 3rd c., RLM
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cart? Dionysiac scene on Sasanian silver/gilt dish, 224-651, from Alkino village, Pernoll, MSHM
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ox cart: pastoral sarcophagus from Via Prenestina (Christian?), painted and gilt, late 3rd/early 4th c., Vat 31485 (ex 150). This work has its own page.
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Junius Bassus sarcophagus, c.359, marble, Vat Tesoro 31529.3.1-3, which has its own page
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Shepherd sarcophagus from Catacomb of Praetextatus (Three Shepherds Sarcophagus; Christian?), marble c.370-400, Vat 31554 (ex 191A). This work has its own page.
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Ascent of Elijah, sarcophagus from under St Peter's, Rome, marble, c.390-400, Louvre MR 688, 753, 806. This work has its own page.
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life of Dionysus, ivory pyxis, 5th c., Bologna pcr 12, which has its own page
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Bacchus and Ariadne, ivory pyxis, 5th-6th c., Trier? KHM X41, which has its own page
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Oseberg tapestry, c.834, OsloVSM, which has its own pages
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Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
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Alexander casket, Byzantine ivory, prob. 12th c., poss. 6th or 9th c., Darmstadt Kg 54:215a-d, which has its own page
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engaged capital with procession of relics of St. Denis, 1140-44, Saint-Denis basilica crypt, which has its own page with contiguous faces of capital.
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Ascension of Elijah: Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page.
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Aurora (dawn), banded agate cameo, 13th c. S.Italy, Fitz. CG 752. This work has its own page.
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left, naos: Dečani monastery frescoes, 1335-47, which have their own pages
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oak misericord: loading grain on cart, England late 14th c., V&A W.53-1921
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Ascent of Elias, oak choir stalls, 1420, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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Crossing the Red Sea, enamel/copper, Jean de Court 1575-85, SF 48.2. For details see SF.