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November 11, 2023

Historical Archive: Classical Mythology, Achilles to Fortuna

This page is alphabetical, not chronological.

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*Achilles and Ajax playing dice: Exekias, black-figure amphora from Vulci, c.540-30 BCE, Vat 16757. This work has its own page.
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Achilles (right): Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
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Agamemnon (left): Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
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Achilles and *Ajax playing dice: Exekias, black-figure amphora from Vulci, c.540-30 BCE, Vat 16757. This work has its own page.
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Ajax drags Cassandra from the Palladion, banded agate intaglio, 3rd-2nd c. BCE Etrusco-Italic, p.c., access courtesy of Hadrien Rambach
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Amazon(?) parade mask from Nola tomb, bronze, 2nd c., BM 1824,0407.10
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Amphion and Zethus tying Dirce to bull: Luigi Pichler, Farnese Bull c.1798-1818, glass intaglio, UCh 1989.5. This work has its own page.
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Aphrodite and youth, hematite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26086, Bonner 158. Aphrodite has her own page.
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Apollo riding gryphon, bottom: Augustus of Prima Porta, marble, early 1st c. CE, Vat MV.2290.0.0, which has its own page
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Apollo, Artemis, hero, satyrs, and Maenads on a woman’s tunic, linen and wool, 4th-5th c. Akhmim, Pushkin 5832
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Phaedra and Hippolytos or Aphrodite and *Ares: Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page. Ares has his own page.
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Ariadne and Bacchus, ivory pyxis, 5th-6th c., Trier? KHM X41, which has its own page
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Asclepius and Hygeia ivory, 5th c., Liverpool museum
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Asclepius and Hygeia, late 5th c., VHM, loan from Sion CT. This work has its own page.
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Asclepius (left): Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
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Athena helping Perseus kill Medusa: mythological sarcophagus end, marble, Pécs-Aranyhegy (Hungary) mid 2nd c., HNM 62.84.1. Athena has her own page.
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Atlas (telamon), terracotta, 1st c. BCE, fr. Panigai e Monastero, ANAM. For other views see ANAM.
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Atlas: apse vault mosaic 1260-70, Baptistery of St. John, Florence. This work has its own pages.
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Auge and Hercules? Alexander casket, Byzantine ivory, prob. 12th c., poss. 6th or 9th c., Darmstadt Kg 54:215a-d, which has its own page
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Aurora (dawn), banded agate cameo, 13th c. S.Italy, Fitz. CG 752. This work has its own page.
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Bacchus ivory, 6th c. Egypt, on ambo, Aachen cathedral. Dionysos/Bacchus has his own page.The ambo and cathedral have their own pages.
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Bellerophon and the Chimaera, architectural sculpture, late 2nd-early 3rd c. Dunapentele (Hungary), HNM 27.1903.1. For details see HNM.
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Bellerophon? Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
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Caelus/sky: Junius Bassus sarcophagus, c.359, marble, Vat Tesoro 31529.3.1-3, which has its own page
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Jupiter (as Diana) and *Callisto?, François Boucher 1744, Pushkin Ж 733. For scale see Pushkin.
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Capricorn: Apostles casket, ivory c.870, BNM MA 174-176, which has its own page. For Capricorn see Zodiac.
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Brutus, Judas, and *Cassius devoured by Satan: Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, Nardo di Cione 1354-57, which has its own page
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Centaur drummer with flautist, copper alloy, Hildesheim, c.1200-1250, HNM 1860.115. Centaurs have their own page.
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Cerberus: Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, Nardo di Cione 1354-57, which has its own page
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priestess with torches of *Ceres at altar of Cybele (Nicomachorum ivory), early 5th c., Cluny Cl.17048. This work has its own page.
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Charon (center left): Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, Nardo di Cione 1354-57, which has its own page
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Chnoubis, chalcedony intaglio, 1st-6th c., BM G173. Lion-headed creatures have their own page.
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Cupid and Psyche? Shepherd sarcophagus from Catacomb of Praetextatus, marble c.370-400, Vat 31554 (ex 191A). This work has its own page. Cupid has his own page.
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Demeter? Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
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Diana weather vane, copper sheets, Augustus Saint-Gaudens 1892-94, PMA 1932-30-1. Diana (Artemis) has her own page.
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Iphigenia, Orestes, and Pylades in Tauris or Ulysses and *Diomedes seizing Palladion, prob. c.1500-50, sardonyx cameo in 16th-c. gold and enamel mount, Florence MA 14468
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Dionysos and Ariadne in chariot with centaurs, maenad, panther, satyrs, Silenus. Marble sarcophagus, c.150-200, KM 1981.03.0001. Dionysos/Bacchus has his own page.
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Dirce tied to bull by Amphion and Zethus: Luigi Pichler, Farnese Bull c.1798-1818, glass intaglio, UCh 1989.5. This work has its own page.
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Erato: portal sculpture early 13th c., Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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Eros: scenes of courtly love, ivory mirror back, Paris c.1300-1350, Cluny Cl.401. Eros has his own page.
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erotes: Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. Erotes have their own page.
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Eteocles and Polynices, cinerary urn from Villa della Piene, ceramic with gesso and paint, Etruscan c.150 BCE, KM 0000.00.2608
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Rape of *Europa, Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page. For Europa see Jupiter.
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Fortuna: gold pendant with Roman carnelian intaglio from Kirchheim am Ries grave 326, mid-7th c., WLM F70/269 326 (4)