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Genevra Kornbluth.
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February 8, 2024

Historical Archive: Crowns and Diadems, fifteenth century to present

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Vierge Ouvrante, polychromed wood, 1375-1425, Cluny Cl. 12060, which has its own page with more crowns.
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imperial ceremony, ivory pyxis, 1403-04, DO BZ.1936.24, which has its own page with more crowns
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Major Sakkos of Photius, Byzantine 1408-31, Armory TK-4, which has its own page with more crowns
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Naumburg Chapel of the Three Kings, 1409-22, which has its own page
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sheltering king (center left): Madonna of Mercy, Giovanni di Agnolo di Balduccio c.1414, fresco, Arezzo MS. For detail see Arezzo Museums.
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Ahasuerus/Assuerus receiving Esther; Queen Vashti replaced. Oak choir stalls, 1420, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page with more reliefs
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Queen Margrete I, alabaster effigy Johannes Junge 1423, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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canopy from the throne of Charles VII of France, wool and silk, attrib. Jacob de Littemont, c.1425-50, Louvre OA 12281. For full work see Louvre.
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St. Olav triumphant over paganism, oak w. polychromy, altar dossal fr. Austevoll c.1425-50, Bergen MA 284. For other views see Bergen.
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Winterfeld Diptych: Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene, tempera on oak, from church of Notre Dame in Gdansk, Gdansk c.1430, MNW Śr. 206
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Chapel of Rarogne paintings, 1434-37, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page with additional views and a crowned St. Catherine with donors
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Parri Spinelli, Madonna of Mercy w. lives SS. Lorentino, Pergentino, tempera/panel 1435-37, Arezzo MS, which has its own page
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Michele Giambono, Virgin and Child c.1440-early 1450s, tempera on linden. MFAB 1029. This work has its own page.
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Three Coronations tapestry, Brussels 1446-88, Sens CT. This work has its own page.
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Filippo Lippi, Coronation of the Virgin panel, Marsuppini altarpiece, 1450s, Vat. loan to Arezzo MS. For details see Arezzo Museums.
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St. Barbara, parchment, north German, c.1450-1500, WienMus
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bottom right: Giovanni di Paolo 1453, St. Nicholas polyptych, SPN inv. 173, which has its own page
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Holy Kindred reliquary, Hans Greiff, Ingolstadt 1472, silver, silver gilt, paint, gems, pearls, Cluny Cl. 17048. This work has its own page.
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Crucifixion and Adoration of the Magi, ivory diptych, Flemish c.1475-1500, IMA 2006.135
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Carlo Crivelli, Virgin and Child c.1476, tempera and gold on poplar, MFAB 75. This work has its own page.
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Crowned woman, prob. late 15th c., or Antonia Minor 1st c., sardonyx cameo, Florence MA 14553
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King Henry VI (Henry of Windsor, as saint?) with orb and scepter, antelope at feet, late 15th c., lead alloy, MoL 85.79/6
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King Henry VI (Henry of Windsor, as saint?) on a ship, late 15th c., lead alloy (imitation gold coin), MoL 75.1/3
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papal crown: Trinity, limestone w. polychrome, late 15th c., SF 53.11. For other views see SF.
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Life of Mary polyptych from Hamburg cathedral, Absolon Stumme 1499, MNW Śr. 432. This work has its own page.
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King Henry VI (Henry of Windsor, as saint?) with orb and scepter, antelope at feet, late 15th-early 16th c., lead alloy, MoL 97.22
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SS. Jerome and Gregory, shop of Jörg Syrlin the younger, lindenwood and polychrome, Ulm c.1500, UMMA 1958/1.59. This work has its own page.
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Lady and the Unicorn, wool/silk tapestry, c.1500, Cluny. For more panels and details see Cluny.
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Mass of St. Giles, oil on panel c.1500, LNGA, which has its own page with companion panel
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Piero di Cosimo, Volto Santo (Christ on the Cross), c.1500-10, MFAB 1100. This work has its own page.
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oak altarpiece 1500-25, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Wittenberg University seal matrix: Elector Friedrich III. of Saxony, silver, 1502, SMBMünz 18239333
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saints by Henry Duzen 1505, Nef of St. Ursula, gold/silver gilt/copper/enamel, which has its own page
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Albrecht Altdorfer 1509-18, SS Margaret and Barbara, from altarpiece of St. Sebastian, Abbey of St. Florian
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triumph of Ecclesia: Sens cathedral north transept, Jean Hympe the elder and the younger and Tassin Gassot, c.1515-19. This work has its own page.
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Maximilian I, silver 3 Guldiner, Antwerp 1517 (dated 1509), SMBMünz 18203549
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Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp fol.80v, Iran, mid 1520s-30s, Met 1970.301. This manuscript has its own page.
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Woman clothed with the sun: silver Taler, Goslar 1542, SMBMünz 18202042
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seal matrix for the Royal Hospital of St Katharine-by-the-Tower and the Royal seal for Ecclesiastical Causes, copper alloy, 1548, MoL A11011
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metalwork Luca D'andrea; Francesco Mosca, Lorenzi Stoldo di Gino marble: Coronation of the Virgin 1565-83, int. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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Charlemagne gives his sword and orb to a king of France under the auspices of a Benedictine monk of St-Denis, oil on canvas, 17th c., MAHSD 83.13.01
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wooden chest, 17th-c. Flemish, Hospice Comtesse Lille Y5. For additional views see l’Hospice Comtesse.
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Caudle cup with Charles II of England, tin-glazed earthenware, Lambeth Potteries 1668, AIC 1957.448
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miniature portrait of Catherine the Great, late 18th c. Russia, MAAB
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center base: billiards players, porcelain, central Europe early 19th c., Belgrade MAA 1230. For other views see Belgrade MAA.
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miniature portrait of Empress Josephine, Daniel Saint 1805-06, MAAB
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Louis XVI (1754-93) and Marie Antoinette (1755-93), marble, Edme Gaulle and Pierre Petitot 1830, Saint-Denis basilica
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Queen Victoria, Hemmings & Co. c.1895-96: Canterbury chapter house, which has its own page.
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Imperial Germany postage stamp, Germania wearing the 1871 crown, with diagonal grid watermark, 1902-1919, p.c. For reverse see Private Collections.
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Torah scroll and ark, gold/silver/cloth/wood, early 20th c. Russia, MSHM
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Bavarian kingdom postage stamp: Germania with overprint, 1919-20, p.c. For details see Private Collections.
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Henry II with St. Thomas, Samuel Caldwell Jr. 1919-49: Canterbury cathedral, which has its own glass page.
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St. Louis holding the Crown of Thorns, linden wood, A. Carvin 1927; with silver gilt and glass reliquary, 1833 holding relics from Ste. Chapelle, Paris; Sens CT
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St. Louis holding the Crown of Thorns, linden wood, A. Carvin 1927; with silver gilt and glass reliquary, 1833 holding relics from Ste. Chapelle, Paris; Sens CT
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French 10 Franc coin honoring the Capetian millenium, nickel-bronze, design G. Baldratti, 1987, p.c. For full obverse and reverse see Private Collections.
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undated crowns: Madonna del Voto, mid 1280s, tempera and gold on wood, Madonna del Voto Master (Dietisalvi di Speme?), Siena cathedral