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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
December 16, 2023

Historical Archive: Cups and Beakers

Representations follow surviving examples.
See also Chalices, and gold-glass for bowl/cup bases and medallions.

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oak tree trunk well head with deposits, c.1000 BCE, Berlin-Lichterfelde, SMB. For full work see Berlin.
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red-figure Attic skyphos: owl, c.450-400 BCE, KM 0000.00.2608. For oblique view see Kelsey.
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glass kantharos with gold/carnelian/garnet, c.200-100 BCE, Severskaya, Kuban region, MSHM. For oblique view see MSHM.
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glass kantharos, 2nd-1st c. BCE, Vozdvizhenskaya Kurgan, Kuban region, MSHM
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cup, Roman rock crystal, RGM V337
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glass flask and footed cups found together, 1st-4th c. Karanis (Egypt), KM 0000.00.5936, 0000.00.5965, 0000.00.5966. For flask see Kelsey.
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glass footed cups, 1st-4th c. Karanis (Egypt), KM 0000.00.5965, 0000.00.5966
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mold-blown glass beaker with standing figures, 1st to 4th c., Hermitage
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Gourdon Chalice or cup. Gold, turquoise, red glass, and garnet, c.500, CdM. This work has its own page.
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stemmed cup or chalice: Zalissia treasure, silver, c.650-700, KHM VIIa, which has its own page with detail
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covered or double cup? 8th-9th c., fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page
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glass vessel with menorah, Syria 8th-9th c., Hermitage EГ-1361
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cup? Lebuinus chalice, ivory c.790-810, Utrecht ABM bi787, which has its own page
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miniature free-blown glass cup with pinched decoration, 10th-12th c. Egypt, KM 1968.02.0067
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Chalice of Bratilo, 12th c. Byzantine Novgorod, silver gilt, Novgorod AM. This work has its own page.
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Mina'i ware beaker with Shahnama story, Iran late 12th c., Freer F1928.2. This work has its own page.
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Islamicate glass beaker c.1200-90, with leather case England c.1450-1500, V&A C.1 to B-1959. This work has its own page.
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beaker, agate in 13th-c. ostensorium, Osnabrück diocesan museum
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ostensorium made from several gemstone vessels, 13th c., Osnabrück diocesan museum
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"Sainte Coupe": covered cup (ciborium), gilded silver, c.1200, England?, Sens CT. This work has its own page.
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beaker with polo players, enamelled and gilded blown glass, Syria, mid 13th c., Louvre OA 6131. This work has its own page.
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stemmed cup from Somogyvár (Hungary), 15th c. Venice, HNM. For another view see HNM.
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beaker, amethyst, Paris or Venice?, c.1400, Louvre OA 2042
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reliquary: blown glass beaker, wood, wax, Germany c. 1450, V&A C.280-1936
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footed beaker with Creation, enameled mold-blown glass, Venice c.1490, KGM 1935,51, which has its own page
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ostrich egg cup with cover, Johannes Lencker (1573-1637), Augsburg 1620-25, MAAB. For details see MAAB.
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Caudle cup with Charles II of England, tin-glazed earthenware, Lambeth Potteries 1668, AIC 1957.448
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covered cup with allegory of Africa, zebu horn, circle of Georg Pfründt c.1680, KGM K 3429, which has its own page
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Standard of Ur, lapis lazuli, shell, and red limestone, c. 2600-2400 BCE, BM ME 121201. This work has its own page.
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harp inlay, shell and lapis, Ur c.2550-2450 BCE, Penn 30-12-484. For full work see Penn.
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painted sarcophagus from Crimea, late 1st/early 2nd c., Hermitage П.1899-81, which has its own page
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funerary stela of Herakela (age 60) and Ares (age 52), limestone and paint, 2nd-early 4th c. Terenouthis (Egypt), KM 0000.02.1179. For details see Kelsey.
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grave stone of the daughter of the standard-bearer Crescens with funeral banquet, from Kirkby Thore (Eng.), 2nd-4th c., BM 1970,0102.7
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Shepherd sarcophagus from Catacomb of Praetextatus (Three Shepherds Sarcophagus; Christian?), marble c.370-400, Vat 31554 (ex 191A). This work has its own page.
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life of Christ ivory, c.870, SMBByz 598. For full work and details see Berlin.
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Wedding at Cana: Bernward Column, Hildesheim, c. 1020, bronze, which has its own page with more cups
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capital with Lazarus and Dives: feast of Dives, limestone, c.1125, MAHSD. For contiguous faces see Saint Denis Museum.
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Bobrinsky bucket, bronze with silver and copper, Afghanistan, 1163, Hermitage IR-2268. This work has its own page.
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Mina'i ware beaker with Shahnama story, Iran late 12th c., Freer F1928.2. This work has its own page.
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Wedding at Cana: Chartres cathedral, Notre Dame de la Belle-Verrière, later parts 1215-20. For more views see Chartres.
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Chartres cathedral, ambulatory windows 1220-25. For more views see Chartres.
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giving drink: font, copper alloy c.1226, Hildesheim Cathedral. This work has its own page.
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dance of Salome (restored), mosaic c.1240-1310, Baptistery of St. John, Florence. This work has its own pages.
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feast of Herod with head of John the Baptist, mosaic c.1240-1310, Baptistery of St. John, Florence. This work has its own pages.
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glass water bottle in the shape of pilgrim's flask, Syria c.1250-60, BM 1869,0120.3. This work has its own page.
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cup with love potion: Tristan embroidery, wool on linen, c.1300-25, WIEN Ha 1, WienMus, which has its own page
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Last Supper: pulpit hanging, linen and silk embroidery on linen, Wienhausen 1325-75, WIEN Hb 3. For full object see WienMus.
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Muhammad ibn al-Zayn, Baptistère de Saint Louis, Egypt or Syria c.1330-40, Louvre LP16. This work has its own page.
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arms of cup-bearer: Mosque lamp, gilded and enamelled glass, Egypt c.1330-45, BM 1869,0624.2. This work has its own page.
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Judith and Holofernes, oak choir stalls, 1420, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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oak chest with Last Supper, 16th c., Hospice Comtesse Lille A.178. This work has its own page.
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right: Hermann tom Ring, Last Judgement/ Triumph of Death 1550-52, oil/panel, Utrecht ABM s40. For full work see Utrecht.