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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
November 11, 2023

Historical Archive: Frames through 15th century

Not including borders within two-dimensional works or relief sculpture, ring bezels, or metalwork edges of insets on larger objects.
Not intentionally including frames added by modern collectors. If you notice such an inclusion, please contact me.

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sea life, stone mosaic w. terracotta frame/box, 1st c., fr. a domus north of Aquileia, ANAM. For details see ANAM.
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gold fibula with citrine intaglio: Nero as Helios and glass inserts, 1st-2nd. c., Hermitage ГP-21629
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paten, metalwork frame mid to second half 9th c., serpentine plate 1st c. BCE/CE, fish inlay poss. 4th/5th c., Louvre MR 415. This work has its own page.
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Lindau Gospels upper cover, gold/gems, c.870-80, Morgan MS M. 1, which has its own page.
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hare, part of an ivory frame, Egypt 10th-11th c., transfer from V&A A.13-1934, BM
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reliquary tablet, 11th c?, Halberstadt, cathedral treasury 46. For details of crystals see Halberstadt.
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Reliquary icon: frame silver gilt on wood, Constantinople 11th/12th c.; Nativity ivory, Venice?, 12th/13th c.; conversion to reliquary with horn 14th/15th-c. Germany; Louvre OA 11399. This work has its own page.
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Byzantine cameo and frame, lapis lazuli, silver gilt, c.1100-50, Louvre MR 95. This work has its own pages for the side with Mary and the side with Christ.
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Stavelot Triptych, Mosan, c.1156-58, Morgan AZ001, which has its own page.
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mirror, transformed tablet reliquary; silver, copper, wood; Mosan c.1200, MRAH V.2132
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Bonaventura Berlinghieri 1235, St. Francis, which has its own page
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Dagobert (c.603-39) memorial, prob. 1250s with restorations. This work has its own page.
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Galli-Dunn Madonna, Dietisalvi di Speme?, c.1260-70, SPN 587. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child Enthroned (Mellon Madonna), Italy or Cyprus c.1260-1285, tempera on panel, NGA 1937.1.1. This work has its own page.
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Madonna del Bordone, Coppo di Marcovaldo 1261, Church of Santa Maria dei Servi, Siena. This work has its own page.
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Cimabue, Crucifixion 1268-71, church of San Domenico, Arezzo. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child with SS Francis, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, and Mary Magdalen, c.1270-80, follower of Madonna del Voto Master, SPN 7. This work has its own page.
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Tablet reliquary, late 13th-c. Mount Athos or Venice; cedar wood, copper alloy, horn, silver, manuscript, glass, beads, gems; MRAH 3225. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child, stone (shale/schist?)/silver, 14th c., Novgorod AM
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French enameled gold 14th-c. mount reworked 1793, with c.25-50 CE sardonyx cameo of Juiter with eagle (Camée de Chartres), CdM Chab. 4
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Ambrogio Lorenzetti 1343, Annunciation , SPN inv. 88, which has its own page
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Orcagna altarpiece 1357, Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, which has its own page
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Archangel Michael, 15th c. Russia (Moscow?), MSHM
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15th c. Novgorod silver gilt mount for Christ Pantokrator, 12th c. Byzantine jasper cameo, Novgorod AM
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15th c. Russian? mount for Christ Pantokrator cameo, jasper?, 13th c Byzantine?, Novgorod AM
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children discovered by hunters, copper/enamel, Italy 15th c., Cluny Cl. 13069
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Deposition with stamp of Santiago de Compostella, jet in silver, 15th or 16th c., Louvre OA 11112
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Bernat Martorell, St. George, Spain 1434-35, tempera on panel, AIC 1933.786. This work has its own page.
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Michele Giambono, Virgin and Child c.1440-early 1450s, tempera on linden. MFAB 1029. This work has its own page.
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Man of Sorrows from St. Nicholas church in Brzeg (Brieg), Wrocław 1443, paint on larch wood, MNW Śr. 343. This work has its own page.
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Giovanni di Paolo 1453, St. Nicholas polyptych, SPN inv. 173, which has its own page
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door with St. Paul, Pedro Garcia de Benabarre, c.1460-70, oil on wood, MFAB 97.6a. This and the companion door have their own page.
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reliquary of the hand of St Martha from the convent of St Martha of Venice, silver gilt, Giovanni Leon, Venice 1472-74, Louvre OA 5641. This work has its own page.
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Neri di Bicci, 2-sided processional cross, tempera and gold on wood, Italy c.1475, UMMA 1942.6. This work has its own page.
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Hat badge with head of John the Baptist, 1475-85: gold, carnelian, enamel. AIC 1992.301
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Carlo Crivelli, Virgin and Child c.1476, tempera and gold on poplar, MFAB 75. This work has its own page.
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St. Barbara reliquary pendant, France or Netherlands 1495-1505, gold and enamel, AIC 1938.1179