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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
December 19, 2023

Historical Archive: Furniture

See also individual types of furniture in the object type index and the index of objects depicted.
Representations follow surviving examples.

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tent posts from Gokstad burial dated 895-903, OsloVSM
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wooden chair from Blakar farm, Lom, Oppland, 13th c., OHM C1629. For other views see OHM.
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choir stools: Kloster Wienhausen nuns' choir, 1325+, which has its own page
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oak misericord: gathering grain sheaves into stooks (shocks), England late 14th c., V&A W.8:1, 2-1921
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oak misericord: loading grain on cart, England late 14th c., V&A W.53-1921
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oak misericord: threshing grain, England late 14th c., V&A W.7-1921
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tabernacle, oak with polychrome and iron, 15th c. Normandy, PMA 1945-25-198
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tabernacle, oak with polychrome and iron, 15th c. Normandy, PMA 1945-25-198
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tabernacle, oak with polychrome and iron, 15th c. Normandy, PMA 1945-25-198
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oak choir stalls, 1420, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page with reliefs
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elements from an oak canopy including sheep and shepherd, Normandy c.1450-1500, PMA 1930-1-191a
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element from an oak canopy: sheep, Normandy c.1450-1500, PMA 1930-1-191a
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element from an oak canopy: shepherd, Normandy c.1450-1500, PMA 1930-1-191a
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pew of Archbishop Pimen, 1560, Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own interior page
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pew of King Christian IV c.1600, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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1665 James Clement choir stalls, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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Corner cabinet with Breton scenes 1891-92, full, wood with polychrome, Emile Bernard (1868-1941), IMA 2010.38
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Corner cabinet with Breton scenes 1891-92, painted portion, wood with polychrome, Emile Bernard (1868-1941), IMA 2010.38
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Corner cabinet with Breton scenes 1891-92, lower panel, wood with polychrome, Emile Bernard (1868-1941), IMA 2010.38
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dressing table, satinwood/bronze/glass, Charles Plumet and Tony Selmersheim 1896-97, KGM 1897,232. For another view see Berlin.
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butterfly woman grille, cast bronze, René Lalique 1899-1900, KGM 1901.111. For other views see Berlin.
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wicker chair, Henry van de Velde 1904-08, KGM O-1970.22. For other views see Berlin.
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Jørn Larsen 2000, church interior fittings, Jelling, which has its own page
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Martin Ebert chairs 2012, Hildesheim Cathedral, which has its own interior page
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couch: black-figure Attic lekythos: Hercules and dancers at a banquet, or Dionysos with maenads, end of 6th c. BCE, KM 0000.00.2596
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couch: black-figure Attic lekythos: Hercules and dancers at a banquet, or Dionysos with maenads, end of 6th c. BCE, KM 0000.00.2596
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couch: painted sarcophagus from Crimea, late 1st/early 2nd c., Hermitage П.1899-81, which has its own page
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couch: funerary stela of Herakela (age 60) and Ares (age 52), limestone and paint, 2nd-early 4th c. Terenouthis (Egypt), KM 0000.02.1179. For other views see Kelsey.
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cabinet with Gospel books, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna, c.425-30. This work has its own page.
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prie-dieu: Life of Mary polyptych from Hamburg cathedral, Absolon Stumme 1499, MNW Śr. 432. This work has its own page.
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shelves: St. Luke painting Virgin fr. church St. Mary Magdalene Wrocław, limewood c.1506, Jakob Beinhart (fl. Wrocław 1483-1525), MNW Śr. 15. This work has its own page.
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prie-dieu: alabaster memorial to James Hales, c.1596, Canterbury cathedral, which has its own interior page with additional views.
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prie-dieu: Louis XVI (1754-93) and Marie Antoinette (1755-93), marble, Edme Gaulle and Pierre Petitot 1830, Saint-Denis basilica