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January 17, 2024

Historical Archive: Human Activities, abduction to nursing

This page is alphabetical, not chronological.

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abduction: Ajax drags Cassandra from the Palladion, banded agate intaglio, 3rd-2nd c. BCE Etrusco-Italic, p.c., access courtesy of Hadrien Rambach. See also Jupiter abducting Europa and Ganymede.
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anointing: Sainte Chasse, 12th c. Byzantine ivory, Sens CT 143, which has its own page
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assault, sexual: Joseph assaulted and arrested, Cathedra of Maximian, ivory, 546-56, RavArchMus, which has its own page. See also Daniel 13 in Judaism/Christianity iconographic index.
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baking bread: Labor for December, enamel 1540-60, Jean de Court (Vigier), UMMA 1977/1.168
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bathing: woman bathing at a fountain and column, agate intaglio, 2nd-1st c. BCE Italic, on Enger cross c.1100, KGM 88,635. The cross has its own page. See also washing.
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bathing: Joan van Noort/Jan van Noordt, Susanna and the Elders c.1660, Utrecht RMCC s75, loan from Instituut Collectie Nederland, Amsterdam, NK 1700
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bathing infant John the Baptist: Giovanni Pisano pulpit 1302-10, which has its own page, in Pisa cathedral. For bathing an infant, see also Nativity.
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building, Tower of Babel: Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 frescoes: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages with details. Building has its own page.
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burying: Arca di Sant' Agostino, 1362-aft. 1409, San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, Pavia. This work has its own page. For funerals see Liturgies, Entombment, and Dormition of the Virgin.
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butchering, top: portal sculpture early 13th c., Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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climbing: Resurrection/Ascension, ivory, c.400, BNM MA 157, which has its own page. Climbing (ladders, landscape, out of tomb) has its own page.
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copulating: Leda and the Swan, agate cameo, 1st c. BCE Alexandria, in later gold mount, Hermitage ГP-12692
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counting money: Dietisalvi di Speme, biccherna, Siena 1282, MFAB 2. MFAB biccherne have their own page with another example.
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cultivating: pastoral sarcophagus from Via Prenestina, painted and gilt, late 3rd/early 4th c., Vat 31485 (ex 150). This work has its own page. For cultivating see hoes.
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cultivating: Labor of Adam, Bernward Doors, bronze, Hildesheim 1007-15. This work has its own page.
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cultivating: Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Good and Bad Government 1338-40, Siena, which has its own page
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dancing woman, marble, 3rd c. BCE Greek, MFAB 4759. Dancers have their own page.
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debating: Arca di Sant' Agostino, 1362-aft. 1409, San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, Pavia. This work has its own page.
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digging: finding of the three crosses, Stavelot Triptych, Mosan, c.1156-58, Morgan AZ001, which has its own page. For digging see hoes.
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dipping water: Childhood of Christ, ceramic tile w. lead glaze, c.1330, V&A C.470-1927
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drawing: Rogier van der Weyden, St. Luke drawing the Virgin, oil transferred to canvas c.1435-40s, Hermitage ГЭ-419. For view with person for scale see Hermitage.
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drawing water: pyxis with Christ and the Samaritan woman, ivory, eastern Mediterranean? c.550-600; Louvre OA 5524 A. This object has its own page.
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drawing water: Samaritan woman, Bernward Column, Hildesheim, c. 1020, bronze. This work has its own page.
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drinking: Mary's Trial by Bitter Water, ivory, 6th c. eastern Mediterranean (Syria?), Louvre OA 11149. Eating and drinking have their own page.
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driving chariots and carts: victorious charioteers, tortoise-shell reliefs, 3rd c., RLM. Chariots and carts have their own page.
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eating: grave stone of the daughter of the standard-bearer Crescens with funeral banquet, from Kirkby Thore (Eng.), 2nd-4th c., BM 1970,0102.7. Eating and drinking have their own page.
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embracing: Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page. Embraces have their own page.
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eye treatment (oculist): sarcophagus of Eugami and Cyriaca, from S. Vittore, Ravenna, marble, late 2nd-early 3rd c., Ravenna Museo Nazionale. For contiguous images see Ravenna.
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fainting (Mary): Giovanni Pisano pulpit 1302-10, which has its own page, in Pisa cathedral
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fainting (Mary, left): Passion scenes, poss. Arnt van Tricht, oak predella fr. Kalkar c.1530-40, Schn A859. For detail see Schn. For fainting see also Crucifixion, 13th c. and later.
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falconing: mirror-back with courtly couple, ivory, 2nd quarter of 14th c. Paris, Louvre. Falconing, hunting, and fishing have their own page.
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fellatio: Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
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fighting, killing animals: Hercules and the Cretan bull, probably 1st c., BM 1814/7-4/1652. Humans fighting animals have their own page.
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fighting humans: buckle with fighting knights from Kígyóspuszta (Hungary), gold and niello, 13th c., HNM. Humans fighting humans have their own page.
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fighting mythological/supernatural beings: Hercules and Achelous, intaglio rock crystal, Annibale Fontana, c.1560-1570, WAM 41.71. See other examples in Dragons; Iconographic Index, Classical Mythology, and Christianity: angels 14th c. to present, and Apocalypse; and the Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp.
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fishing: Stephansbursa, gold repoussé reliefs, early 9th c., Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum Schatzkammer. This object has its own page. Hunting and fishing have their own page.
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forging: blacksmith shop from area of Beligna, late 1st-early 2nd century, limestone, ANAM. For detail see ANAM.
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gathering grain sheaves into stooks (shocks), oak misericord, England late 14th c., V&A W.8:1, 2-1921
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giving birth (baby's head at base), lapis lazuli with shell eyes and copper carrying wire, Bactrian (Iran, SE. Kerman province, Tepe Giyan III, IV, 3rd millennium BCE ?), Louvre AO 31921
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giving birth: Zeus to Athena, Etrusco-Italic bronze mirror back fr. Arezzo, 330-310 BCE, Bologna IT 1073. For full work see Bologna.
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giving birth: pregnant woman on a birthing stool, ceramic, Egypt 1st c. BCE/CE, BM 1992/8-11/1. For another view see BM.
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healing: Charles Guillot, Carmelite nuns in the Infirmary, oil on canvas 18th c., MAHSD. Healing has its own page.
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herding: shepherd herding snails, faience tile, Lille first half 18th c., Lille Hospice Comtesse. Herding (mostly sheep) has its own page.
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hoeing: Labor of Adam, Bernward Doors, bronze, Hildesheim 1007-15. This work has its own page with other views. For hoeing see hoes.
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hunting: Diana weather vane, copper sheets, Augustus Saint-Gaudens 1892-94, PMA 1932-30-1. Hunting and fishing have their own page.
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loading grain on cart, oak misericord, England late 14th c., V&A W.53-1921
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making one's toilet: Projecta Casket, silver and gold, c.380, BM 1866,1229.1, which has its own page with another example
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marrying: Life of Mary polyptych from Hamburg cathedral, Absolon Stumme 1499, MNW Śr. 432. This work has its own page. For marrying see Liturgies.
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John *measuring the temple, Apocalypse cycle c.1363/65: Karlstejn Castle, Chapel of the Virgin Mary, which has its own own page.
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milking: Shepherd sarcophagus from Catacomb of Praetextatus, marble c.370-400, Vat 31554 (ex 191A). This work has its own page.
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mowing: Bertozzi/Casoni 1997, Scegli il Paradiso, majolica, which has its own page, Imola
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murder: Cain and Abel, Bernward Doors, bronze, Hildesheim 1007-15. This work has its own page with other views. See also Fighting Humans, Massacre of the Innocents, and Saints, apostles indices for martyrdom.
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murder: Cain and Abel, top stained glass window: Goro di Bartolomeo, Leonardo di Bartolomeo, Bartolommeo d'Andrea Bocchi 1453-54, Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages with Lamech killing Cain window
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murder: Cain and Abel (top), footed beaker, enameled mold-blown glass, Venice c.1490, KGM 1935,51, which has its own page
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nursing: wives and children of Jacob riding camels: Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 frescoes: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages. Nursing has its own page.