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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 10, 2024

Historical Archive: Mosaics

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fish miniature mosaic, Roman north Africa (frame modern), MFAB
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Rape of Europa? mosaic, c.50 BCE-200 CE, ANAM, which has its own page
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vine w. bow, stone mosaic, 2nd half of 1st c. BCE, ANAM. For other views see ANAM.
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ornaments from a nymphaeum, glass/shells/stucco, 1st c., ANAM, which have their own page
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sea life, stone mosaic w. terracotta frame/box, 1st c., fr. a domus north of Aquileia, ANAM. For details see ANAM.
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phoenix, stone/glass mosaic, 4th century, ANAM
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Jonah mosaic, from loculus in catacomb of Gordianus and Epimachus, Rome, late 4th c., Vat 31598 (ex 235)
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Jonah swallowed: mosaic from loculus in catacomb of Gordianus and Epimachus, Rome, late 4th c., Vat 31598 (ex 235)
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Jonah cast up, asleep under vine: mosaic from loculus in catacomb of Gordianus and Epimachus, Rome, late 4th c., Vat 31598 (ex 235)
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Lateran Baptistery, Rome, narthex, 5th c. The baptistery octagon and narthex have their own interior page.
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dromedary mosaic, eastern Mediterranean (Syria?) 5th c., AIC 1970.1065
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Lateran Baptistery, Rome, exterior, 5th-7th c. This work has its own exterior page.
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Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna, c.425-30. This work has its own page.
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leopard mosaic, north Syria c.450-500, AIC loan 1974.61
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Ravenna, Orthodox baptistery, c.451-73. This work has its own pages.
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Arian Baptistry, Ravenna, late 5th to early 6th c. This work has its own page.
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Church of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, early 6th c. and 560s. This work has its own page.
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Church of San Vitale, Ravenna, 527-48, interior. This work has its own interior page.
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Church of San Vitale, Ravenna, 527-48, exterior. This work has its own exterior page.
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angel fr. San Michele in Africisco, Ravenna, mid 6th c., Hermitage Ѡ-32
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Lateran Baptistery, Rome, Chapel of St. Vanantius, 640-49. This chapel has its own interior page.
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mosaic from the oratory of Pope John VII in St. Peter’s, Joseph from the Nativity, c.705, Pushkin
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Transfiguration icon, mosaic, Constantinople c.1200-early 13th c., Louvre ML 145
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Baptistery of St. John, Florence: dome mosaics c.1240-1310. This work has its own pages.
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Deesis mosaic, mostly Vincino di Vanni da Pistoia 1321, part Cimabue 1301-02, int. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages with details
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Assumption mosaic 1828-29, ext. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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Felice Kibel 1860s: heavy restoration of Baptism, Ravenna, Orthodox baptistery. This work has its own pages.
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dome mosaic design Jean-Baptiste Bethune 1872 aft. Ciampini 1699, execution Antonio Salviati 1880-81, Aachen cathedral. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Louis Comfort Tiffany, Peacock Mosaic from Henry O. Havemeyer House, New York, Favrile glass, ceramic, and plaster 1890-91, UMMA 1986.146.9. Additional views and other parts from this building have their own page.
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wall/pier mosaics/cladding, window designs Hermann Schaper 1889, executed Puhl & Wagner 1896-1902, Aachen cathedral. The cathedral has its own pages.
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procession of prophets, Wade Chapel, dedicated 1901, Louis Comfort Tiffany and studio. This work has its own page.
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St. Bernward, crypt altar mosaic 1906, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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related: landscape made of Russian stones, 19th c., Imola 11781