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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
November 9, 2023

Historical Archive: Musical Horns: trumpets, oliphants/olifants, hunting horns, war horns
Representations follow surviving examples.

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ivory oliphant, Sicily/S. Italy c.1000-50, Hermitage Ф-5, which has its own page
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Hunting horn assoc. Henry IV of Navarre (center right: hunter with horn), ivory, France late 16th-early 17th c., Belgrade MAA 541. For other views see Belgrade MAA.
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Dionysiac triumph, marble loculus cover, late 2nd-early 3rd c., Penn MS4017, which has its own page
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St Mary Bishophill Jr, York, cross fragment with secular figures, millstone grit (sandstone), late 8th-9th c., Yorkshire Museum 1979.53. For another view see York.
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Byzantine Last Judgment ivory, 11th c., V&A A.24-1926. This work has its own page.
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Last Judgment, tempera, Nicholas and Johannes 1061-71, Vat 40526, which has its own page
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hunting horn? disk with falconer, silver/gilt, 12th-13th c. Volga Bulgar, Morgan 2012.2:92
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buckle with fighting knights from Kígyóspuszta (Hungary), gold and niello, 13th c., HNM
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Sainte Chapelle stained glass: Last Judgment, c.1200, Cluny DS 1893. For detail see Cluny.
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Last Judgment: demon with horn, mosaic c.1240-1310, Baptistery of St. John, Florence. This work has its own pages.
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14th-c. angels, Lorsch Torhalle, which has its own page with more paintings
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Passion of Christ, ivory, Paris, 1st half of 14th c., MAAB. This object has its own page.
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Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, Jean Pucelle c.1324-28, Met 54.1.2, which has its own page.
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Apocalypse cycle c.1363/65: Karlstejn Castle, Chapel of the Virgin Mary, which has its own own page.
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Apocalypse, Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 frescoes: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages with more examples.
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imperial ceremony, ivory pyxis, 1403-04, DO BZ.1936.24, which has its own page
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Man of Sorrows w. instruments Passion, Niccolo di Pietro Gerini c.1405-06, tempera/panel fr Santissima Annunziata, Florence: Arezzo MS
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Filippo Lippi, Coronation of the Virgin panel, Marsuppini altarpiece, 1450s, Vat. loan to Arezzo MS. For details see Arezzo Museums.
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Annunciation polyptych fr. church St. Elizabeth Wrocław, tempera on wood, c.1480, MNW Śr. 124. This work has its own page.
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Annunciation/mystic hunt for the unicorn, circle of Martin Schongauer 1489, Pushkin 2734
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top, right: Sens cathedral north transept windows, Jean Hympe the elder and the younger and Tassin Gassot, c.1515-19. This work has its own page.
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left: Sens cathedral north transept windows
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bottom left: Sens cathedral north transept windows
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bottom left: Sens cathedral north transept windows
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Hermann tom Ring, Last Judgement/Triumph of Death 1550-52, oil/panel, Utrecht ABM s40. For details see Utrecht.
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top: John the Baptist triptych, enamel/copper, Martin Didier Pape late 16th c., SF 1952.32a-c, which has its own page with another horn
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upper left: Alessandro Bardelli, Gloria di Angeli 1624, painting formerly surrounding Berlinghieri St. Francis (here in a copy), San Francesco, Pescia, which has its own page with Berlinghieri
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Reliquary triptych, 1850-61: copper, copper gilt, enamel, gems on wood. V&A 7947-1862