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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
May 26, 2021

Historical Archive: Pilgrimage Signs: badges and plaques
see also ampullae

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mold for a medallion of St. Simeon, 10th c. Byzantine steatite, KM 0000.08.7517
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modern impression of mold for a medallion of St. Simeon, KM 0000.08.7517
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St. Leonard blessing a prisoner, manacles on wall, 13th-14th c., from Saint-Leonard-de-Noblat, France, lead alloy, MoL 82.8/13
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St. Eloi (Eligius) hammering at an anvil, horse, pilgrim giving a trindle (coiled candle), late 13th c., lead alloy, MoL 87.14/2
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Thomas Becket reliquary, 14th c., lead alloy, MoL 86.202/3
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Thomas Becket bust reliquary, 14th-c. tin/lead pilgrimage badge, CHM
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badge and 14th c. mold, Thomas Becket returning from exile, BM 1890,1002.1 and 1984,0505.1. For individual works see BM.
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John the Baptist: priest holding head, angels with torches, Amiens early 14th c., lead alloy, MoL 93.166/1
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shrine and reliquary of Thomas Becket, mid/late 14th c., lead alloy, MoL BC72[55]<1555>
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Thomas, Earl of Lancaster: panel with capture, trial, journey, and execution; above: Coronation of the Virgin; mid/late 14th c., lead alloy partly gilt, from River Thames bank, MoL
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St. Jos (Josse, Judoc) with rosary, late 14th c., lead alloy, prob. fr. Saint-Josse-sur-Mer, France, MoL SWA81[0]<965>
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reliquary with pilgrim/secular badges, wood and tin alloy, late 14-early 15th c., Tournai, treasury of Nôtre-Dame. This work has its own page.
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lid right roundel, reliquary with badges, wood and tin alloy, late 14-early 15th c., Tournai, treasury of Nôtre-Dame. For other signs see the reliquary's own page.
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St. George prob. from Windsor, 15th c., lead alloy, MoL 86.202/20
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St. Christopher, 15th c., lead alloy, MoL 78.12
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Vernicle (veil of Veronica), 15th c., copper alloy, MoL 88.9/18
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Entry into Jerusalem, tin pilgrim sign, Bremen?, c.1400, WienMus
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miraculous Hosts of Wilsnack: Crucifixion, Resurrection, Flagellation, tin pilgrim sign, Wilsnack c.1400, WienMus
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Christ; St. Maurice, St. Peter, Pope Boniface IX: tin pilgrim sign, Magdeburg c.1450, WienMus
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John Schorn (Schorne) in pulpit with angels, boot to left, late 15th c., lead alloy, MoL 8774
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King Henry VI (Henry of Windsor, as saint?) with orb and scepter, antelope at feet, late 15th c., lead alloy, MoL 85.79/6
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King Henry VI (Henry of Windsor, as saint?) on a ship, late 15th c., lead alloy (imitation gold coin), MoL 75.1/3
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King Henry VI (Henry of Windsor, as saint?) with orb and scepter, antelope at feet, late 15th-early 16th c., lead alloy, MoL 97.22
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related: Hat badge with head of John the Baptist, 1475-85: gold, carnelian, enamel. AIC 1992.301
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related: Crucifixion and Instruments of the Passion, copper alloy hat badge, late 15th c., MoL 82.8/8