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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 8, 2024

Historical Archive: Pyxides and other boxes
not including purpose-made reliquaries

representations follow surviving objects

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Greek pyxis with nereid riding a hippocamp, ceramic, 3rd c. BCE, IMA 47.40. For lid detail see IMA.
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glass pyxis, 1st c. CE, Bologna ROM 31
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Projecta Casket, silver and gold, c.380, BM 1866,1229.1, which has its own page
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life of Dionysus, ivory pyxis, 5th c., Bologna pcr 12, which has its own page
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Bacchus and Ariadne, ivory pyxis, 5th-6th c., Trier? KHM X41, which has its own page
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Christian pyxis, ivory, 5th-6th c., Bologna BIZ 2, which has its own page
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ivory pyxis: Entry into Jerusalem, 6th c. provincial Byzantine (Ravenna?), CMA 1951.114. For other sides see CMA.
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Resurrection, ivory pyxis, 6th c., eastern Mediterranean, VHM, loan from Sion CT. This work has its own page.
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pyxis with Christ and the Samaritan woman, ivory, eastern Mediterranean? c.550-600; Louvre OA 5524 A. This object has its own page.
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pyxis with Massacre of the Innocents, ivory, eastern Mediterranean? c.550-600; Louvre OA 5524 B. This object has its own page.
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horn box with bone lid, 8th-12th c., Sens CT TC.C'3. For profile view see Sens.
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Nativity and Adoration of the Magi, ivory pyxis, Trier? late 8th/9th c., KHM X42. This work has its own page.
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Apostles casket, ivory c.870, BNM MA 174-176, which has its own page
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Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
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Apostles Pyxis, ivory, Constantinople c.980-1010, CMA 1973.4. For other views see CMA.
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Rosette Casket, wood/ivory/bone, Italo-Byzantine, 11th-12th c., Arezzo MS, which has its own page
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Sainte Chasse, 12th c. Byzantine secular ivory, Sens CT 143, which has its own page
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Alexander casket, Byzantine ivory, prob. 12th c., poss. 6th or 9th c., Darmstadt Kg 54:215a-d, which has its own page
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Liberal Arts casket, copper enameled and gilded, c.1190-1200, V&A 7955:2-1862. This work has its own page.
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beaded ciborium, c.1250-1300, Schn N42, which has its own page
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Ivory box with Arabic inscription in tuluth script, late 13th-early 14th c. Spain or Egypt, Sens CT TC.C'5. For details see Sens.
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fir box with satin, mandrake root with sewn on rootlets, 14th-15th c., WienMus
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ciborium monstrance, silver gilt/rock crystal/enamel, c.1350-75, DMP PR109, which has its own page
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imperial ceremony, ivory pyxis, 1403-04, DO BZ.1936.24, which has its own page
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leather case England c.1450-1500, for Islamic glass beaker c.1200-90, V&A C.1 to B-1959. This work has its own page.
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Medici cameo: emperor with genius, sacrificing poss. to Hope, 1st-3rd c., sardonyx cameo in gilded metal, Florence MA 14443. This work has its own page.
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painted sarcophagus from Crimea, late 1st/early 2nd c., Hermitage П.1899-81, which has its own page
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Projecta Casket, silver and gold, c.380, BM 1866,1229.1, which has its own page with more boxes
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Symmachorum ivory, late 4th to early 5th c., V&A 212-1865, which has its own page
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Maries at the Sepulchre, ivory, St. Gall or north Italy, 10th c., MAAB. For full panel and Crucifixion see MAAB
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Maries at the Sepulchre ivory, 1st half of 10th c., V&A 380-1871
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Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
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Adoration of the Magi, Bernward Doors, bronze, Hildesheim 1007-15. This work has its own page with another pyxis and other views.
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King Ramiro and companion, Spain 1060-80, ivory with glass from St. Aemilian reliquary, Hermitage Ф-2908. For another angle and detail see Hermitage.
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Adoration of the Magi, whalebone, c.1120-50, V&A 142-1866, which has its own page
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Lisbjerg Altar frontal/retable/arch c.1135-50, gilded copper, NMD D287. This work has its own page.
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ivory cross, c.1150-60, Cloisters 63.12, which has its own page.
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Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page with other boxes/pyxides.
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Adoration of the Magi, dome mosaic c.1240-1310, Baptistery of St. John, Florence. This work has its own pages.
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Nicola Pisano pulpit 1260, Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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Virgin and Child with SS Francis, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, and Mary Magdalen, c.1270-80, follower of Madonna del Voto Master, SPN 7. This work has its own page.
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Giovanni Pisano pulpit 1302-10, which has its own page, in Pisa cathedral
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Virgin and Child with angels, Old Testament figures, and saints, Duccio workshop: Ugolino?, 1312-19, SPN 47. This work has its own page.
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Adoration Magi and Cucifixion, ivory diptych, France c.1325-1350, Cluny Cl.15330-15331
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Entry into Jerusalem and Entombment, France c.1350-1400, ivory, loan to UMMA from Met 1917,17.190.200. For full diptych see UMMA.
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dome: Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 frescoes: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages.
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Noli me tangere, early 15th-c. Spain, tempera/oil/gold on panel transferred to hardboard, SF 61.44.28. For detail see SF.
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North Paradise c.1405, Cathedral, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Man of Sorrows w. instruments Passion, Niccolo di Pietro Gerini c.1405-06, tempera/panel fr Santissima Annunziata, Florence: Arezzo MS
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Mary Magdalene: apse paintings, 1434-37, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page with contemporary paintings
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Lady and the Unicorn (My only Desire), wool/silk tapestry, c.1500, Cluny. For full panel and others see Cluny.
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right: Hermann tom Ring, Last Judgement/ Triumph of Death 1550-52, oil/panel, Utrecht ABM s40. For full work see Utrecht.