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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
January 17, 2024

Historical Archive: Fountains and Wells

Representations follow surviving examples.

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oak tree trunk well head with deposits, c.1000 BCE, Berlin-Lichterfelde, SMB. For detail see Berlin.
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marble frog from a fountain, early imperial Roman (1st c.?), Bologna ROM 1520
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pinecone fountain, Publius Cincius Salvius, 1st-2nd c. cast bronze on marble capital 227-29, peacocks 17th-20th c. copies of Roman, Vat. For other views see Vat.
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bronze bear, prob. 2nd c. CE, poss. 3rd c. BCE, Aachen cathedral. The bear has its own page.
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well head, 8th c. Italy (Venetia?), limestone, CMA 1916.1982
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well head, 8th c. Italy (Venetia?), limestone, CMA 1916.1982
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marble well head, 9th c. prob. Venice/Venetia, SMB Byz 2924
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bronze pinecone, c.800 or 1000, Aachen cathedral. The pinecone has its own page.
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prob. fountain ornament: bronze griffin, Spain(?), 11thc., Opera Pisa. This work has its own page.
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Faucet with peacock spigot and lion-headed spout (poss. fr. fountain), bronze, 12th-c. Iran, UMMA 1959/1.114
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Canterbury cathedral water tower, lower part 1153-67, upper part c.1400, which with other priory buildings has its own page.
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bronze spigot (fountain?), France? 14th c.? Cluny Cl. 23734
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ornament for palace pool: Nephrite terrapin, Mughal India c.1600, Allahabad, BM 1830,0612.1. This work has its own page.
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left: Vinzenzbrunnen at Aachen cathedral, 1847-77. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Gudea with overflowing vase, dolerite, c.2120 BCE, Louvre AO 2212. This work has its own page.
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woman bathing at a fountain and column, agate intaglio, 2nd-1st c. BCE Italic, on Enger cross c.1100, KGM 88,635. The cross has its own page.
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Fountain of Life, nave arch mosaic, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna, c.425-30. This work has its own page.
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Annunciation, Ordeal, Flight; ivory, 6th c. eastern Mediterranean (Syria?), Louvre OA 11149. Part of same object as Hermitage Visitation/Annunciation to Anna, for which see Russia.
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Mary's Trial by Bitter Water, ivory, 6th c. eastern Mediterranean (Syria?), Louvre OA 11149. Part of same object as Hermitage Visitation/Annunciation to Anna, for which see Russia.
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fountain and court official: Theodora and retinue, apse wall mosaic, Ravenna, Church of San Vitale, 527-48. This work has its own interior and exterior pages.
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Joseph put into the well: Cathedra of Maximian, ivory, 546-56, RavArchMus, which has its own page
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pyxis with Christ and the Samaritan woman, ivory, eastern Mediterranean? c.550-600; Louvre OA 5524 A. This object has its own page.
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Christ and the Samaritan woman: Bernward Column, Hildesheim, c. 1020, bronze, which has its own page.
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Joseph put into/taken from the cistern: Sainte Chasse, 12th c. Byzantine ivory, Sens CT 143, which has its own page
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Sainte Chapelle stained glass: Joseph sold by his brothers, 13th c. glass in 15th c. window, Cluny DS 1888
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Childhood of Christ, ceramic tile w. lead glaze, c.1330, V&A C.470-1927
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Jacob: Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 frescoes: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages.
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St. Thomas Aquinas at Prayer (predella panel from a polyptych), tempera on poplar wood, Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni), c.1423-26, MFAB 32. This work has its own page.
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Triptych of St. Stanislaus the Bishop from church in Pławno, painted and gilt limewood, Krakow c.1510-20, MNW Śr. 18. This work has its own page.