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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
August 1, 2023

Historical Archive: Eighth century, undifferentiated

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bracelet, gold/garnet, 4th-8th c. steppes/south forest zone of eastern Europe, MSHM. For other views see MSHM.
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animal plaque, 4th-8th c., north Urals/Kama region, MSHM
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bronze lamp: cock, 6th-9th c. Mediterranean, Sch H931. For view with full chain see Schn.
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stamp seal of Anastasios, crystal intaglio, 7th-8th c. Medinet Habu (Egypt), Met 08.202.28
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stamp seal of Anastasios, crystal intaglio with metalwork mount, 7th-8th c. Medinet Habu (Egypt), Met 08.202.28
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fragment of free-blown glass with enamel, 7th-8th c. Egypt, KM 1970.03.0931
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reliquary from province of Namur, prob. Beauraing, copper alloy on oak, 7th/8th-c., MRAH B005717-001
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reliquary from province of Namur, prob. Beauraing, copper alloy on oak, 7th/8th-c., MRAH B005717-001
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Easterton Pictish slab, animals side, sandstone 7th-8th c., NMS X.IB 226, which has its own page
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Harrach diptych back, ivory, 7th-8th c., Schn 1012, which has its own page
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ceremonial comb, ivory, Syria/Egypt 7th-8th c., Schn B99
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caftan, linen/silk samit, 7th-9th c., Met 1996.78.1, prob. fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
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leggings, silk with linen feet, 7th-9th c., Met 1996.78.2a, b, prob. fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
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gryphon belt mount, copper alloy tinned, late 7th-early 9th c. Avar, Morgan 2012.2:84
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glass cameo from Whitby monastery, late 7th-9th c. (Insular or Continental), on loan to BM from Strickland collection
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strap end, 8th c. (late Avar), Szekszárd
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belt buckle, 8th c. (late Avar), Szekszárd
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slab from the monastery of SS Salvatore and Giulia, 8th c., Medolo stone (limestone?), Brescia Museum of Santa Giulia S260
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slab from the monastery of SS Salvatore and Giulia, 8th c., Medolo stone (limestone?), Brescia Museum of Santa Giulia S260
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well head, 8th c. Italy (Venetia?), limestone, CMA 1916.1982
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well head, 8th c. Italy (Venetia?), limestone, CMA 1916.1982
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winged horse and foal from Ober-Ingelheim Burgkirche, limestone, 8th c., LMM S3150
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Assumption of the Virgin, linen, 8th c., Sens CT. This work has its own page.
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tunic with fishers on insets, linen and wool, 8th c., Pushkin
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tunic with fishers on insets, linen and wool, 8th c., Pushkin
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Durham Casssiodorus, 8th c., Durham Cathedral Library MS B. II. 30 (Not available in higher resolution)
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8th-c. painting in niche, Saint-Denis basilica crypt, which has its own page with another painted niche.
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Adalricus reliquary, 8th c., Diocesan Museum Sion. This work has its own page.
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buckle, copper alloy, 8th c. Hispano-Visigothic or early Umayyad, Morgan 2012.2:67
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man's headdress in helmet form, 8th c. silk/linen/wood/leather, Hermitage КЗ-4576, fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
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disc-on-bow fibula, brass/gilt/lead/iron/tin, 8th c., OHM T41, which has its own page
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animal interlace plaque converted to a brooch, bronze/gilt, fr. Billingstad, Akershus, 8th c., OHM C29928
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bronze fitting with animal interlace fr. Åker, Akershus, 8th c., OHM C16021
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peacock sarcophagus, limestone, 8th c., SMB Byz 4, which has its own page
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Oseberg "Buddha Bucket", wood, bronze, and enamel, prob. Irish, 8th c.? C55000 156, OsloVSM, which has its own pages
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reliquary, silver and copper gilt with glass on wood core, 8th century(?), Cluny Cl. 13968. This work has its own page.
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Oseberg cart, 8th-early 9th c., OsloVSM, which has its own pages
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cross, copper and silver, 8th-9th c., Sens CT C.207. This work has its own page.
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fresco from foot of Oppian Hill, Rome, 8th/9th c., Vat 31448 (ex 119). This work has its own page.
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Khazar belt mount, silver/gilt, 8th-9th c., Morgan 2012.2:89
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cape, 8th-9th c. silk/flax/linen, Hermitage K3-6707, fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
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plaque, copper alloy and glass? 8th-9th c., fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page
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covered cup? 8th-9th c., fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page
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limestone gravestone with menorah and shofar, 8th-9th c. Taman (near Crimea), Hermitage Ѡ-1524. For oblique view see Hermitage.
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glass vessel with menorah, Syria 8th-9th c., Hermitage EГ-1361
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animal pendant, dogs?, gold, Coclé 700-1000 CE, DO PC.B.373, which has its own page
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Baptism of Christ fragment, linen and tempera, 8th to 11th c., Pushkin DB11257
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horn box with bone lid, 8th-12th c., Sens CT TC.C'3
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horn box with bone lid, 8th-12th c., Sens CT TC.C'3