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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
August 7, 2023

Historical Archive: Eleventh century, not more precisely datable

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Baptism of Christ fragment, linen and tempera, 8th to 11th c., Pushkin DB11257
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horn box with bone lid, 8th-12th c., Sens CT TC.C'3. For oblique view see Sens.
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male figure with cross, bone, 9th-11th c. Byzantine Egypt, KM 1966.01.0102
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cylinder seal (?) with male saints or bishops, bone, 9th-11th c. Byzantine Eygpt, KM 1966.01.0109. This work has its own page.
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amber figure, amulet? 9th-11th c., OHM. For another view see OHM.
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amber quadruped with hind feet gripping neck fr. Haugsten, Østfold, 9th-11th c., OHM C4033. For another view see OHM.
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amber game piece fr. Østby, Vestfold, 9th-11th c., OHM C11772
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bird fitting, bronze, Viking period (9th-11th c.), Lejre 6410PX433. For oblique view see Lejre.
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animal interlace plaque, 9th-12th c. Russia (Kievan Rus), MSHM
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hare, part of an ivory frame, Egypt 10th-11th c., transfer from V&A A.13-1934, BM
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pendant reliquary, Constantinople 10th-11th c., BM AF.354, which has its own page
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rock crystal chess knight, Abbasid or poss. Spanish, 10th-11th c., Schn F52
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soldier, Byzantine ivory 10th-11th c., Schn B6
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miniature free-blown glass cup with pinched decoration, 10th-12th c. Egypt, KM 1968.02.0067
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mold-blown glass flask with pinched decoration, 10th-12th c. Egypt, KM 1969.03.0038
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'seal of St. Servatius', jasper intaglio, 10th-12th c. Byzantine, Maastricht, Sint Servaas treasury. For reverse uterine amulet see Maastricht.
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pendant cross, bronze/enamel, 10th-13th c., Novgorod AM
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knucklebone on chain, 10th-14th c., Novgorod AM
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flask, crystal, Fatimid (909-1171), Halberstadt Cathedral treasury
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rock crystal flask, Fatimid Egypt 909-1171, in Weddeghe Velstede, silver gilt reliquary monstrance 1433, AIC 1962.91. This work has its own page.
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water strainer with peacock, ceramic, Fatimid Egypt 909-1171, KM 1971.01.0013
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narrow flask, massive cut glass, Islamic 11th c., TMA 73.40
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Dormition of the Virgin, Byzantine ivory, 11th c., Hermitage
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Christ in Majesty, walrus ivory, 11th c., North Elmham, CMAA Z.32386
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St. Michael and dragon, citation seal of the chapter of Veszprém cathedral, cast bronze, 11th-c. Hungary, HNM 1890.127.10
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bronze griffin, Spain(?), 11thc., Opera Pisa. This work has its own page.
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11th c. relic label, obverse, Sens CT library J50 (Chartraire 33). For reverse see Sens.
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11th c. relic label, obverse, Sens CT library J43 (Chartraire 63). For reverse see Sens.
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bone game piece with wading bird, western Europe 11th c., Hermitage
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Tablet reliquary, 11th c. Byzantine with Mosan frame and cover c.1160-70, silver gilt and enamel on copper gilt, Louvre OA 8099. This work has its own page.
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Anglo-Scandinavian antler comb, 11th c., from Longmarket Canterbury, CHM
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mace or staff head fr. St George’s Street Canterbury, 11th c., CHM. For oblique view see CHM.
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lead seal matrix, 11th c., CHM
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Sion Cathedral crypt, 11th c. This work has its own page.
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Byzantine pendant cross, gold with emeralds, enamel, 11th c., V&A M.386-1911
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Byzantine Last Judgment ivory, 11th c., V&A A.24-1926. This work has its own page.
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stirrup mount, copper alloy, 11th c., MoL 90.179/2
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ivory lions and eagles, 11th-c. Mediterranean, Schn B5
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reliquary tablet, 11th c?, Halberstadt, cathedral treasury 46. For details see Halberstadt.
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cameo empress, banded agate, 1st half of 1st c. CE, recut into an emperor, poss. in *11th c., on Enger cross c.1100, KGM 88,635. The cross has its own page.
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glass spearhead flask, Syria? 11th-12th c., KM 1968.02.0152
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Reliquary icon: frame silver gilt on wood, Constantinople 11th/12th c.; Nativity ivory, Venice?, 12th/13th c.; conversion to reliquary with horn 14th/15th-c. Germany. 26.3 x 24 cm. Louvre OA 11399. This work has its own page.
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gold rings with filigree and granulation; Egypt, Syria, or Iran 11th-12th c., BM 1954,0412.1 and AF2448. For another view see BM.
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ivory chess bishop in the form of elephant and rider, Afrasiab Uzbekistan, 11th-12th c., BM 1980,0730.1. For additional views see BM.
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Urnes style animal interlace fibula, silver, 11th-12th c.?, Leijre LEOPX106
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Anastasis, jasper or haematite, 11th-12th c., MSHM GIM 53151/73, OK 10965 (269), MSHM
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Rosette Casket, wood/ivory/bone, Italo-Byzantine, 11th-12th c., Arezzo MS, which has its own page
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cross encolpion, copper alloy?: Crucifixion, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
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cross encolpion, copper alloy?: Virgin and Child, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
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cross encolpion with hinged fitting, copper alloy?: Virgin and Child, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
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cross encolpion, copper alloy?: engraved Virgin and Child, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
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Byzantine pectoral cross, silver, 11th-13th c., MRAH ACO.76.1.1
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Byzantine pectoral cross with St. George, copper alloy, 11th-13th c., MRAH ACO.75.1.3
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Military saints with spears and shields, Byzantine schist icon, 11th-13th c., Cluny Cl.21602
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double cross in foliage pendant from Czernowitz, silver, 11th-13th c., KHM VIIa 269a
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double cross pendant from Czernowitz, silver/niello, 11th-13th c., KHM VIIa 269b
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pendant from Czernowitz, rock crystal/silver, 11th-13th c., KHM VIIa 174
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dead Christ, steatite pendant, 11th-13th c., MSHM
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pendant with rattling chains, 11th-13th c. East Slavic, MSHM
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John the Baptist, steatite? Novgorod 11th-13th c., MSHM
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bronze buckle, 11th-13th c. north France, SMB
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Cuman figures, sandstone, 11th-13th c., SMB MVFg IIId 9031/1-4, which have their own page
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pendant cross, non-ferrous metal, 11th-14th c., Novgorod AM
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Caen, church of Saint-Étienne, 11th-14th c., exterior: this monument has its own exterior page.
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Caen, church of Saint-Étienne, 11th-14th c., interior: this monument has its own interior page.
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cross, non-ferrous metal, 11th-15th c., Novgorod AM
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bone stylus, 11th-15th c. Novgorod, Novgorod AM
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textile, Pre-Columbian Chancay culture, Late Intermediate Period c.1000-1476, Imola