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January 31, 2024

Historical Archive: 15th century: c.1400-1440

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chapter house, 13th-early 15th c., Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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Aachen cathedral choir, 1355-1414. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Arca di Sant' Agostino, 1362-aft. 1409, San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, Pavia. This work has its own page.
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Vierge Ouvrante, polychromed wood, 1375-1425, Cluny Cl. 12060, which has its own page.
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capital (reliquary?) from Leno monastery, late 14th to early 15th c., Brescia Museum of Santa Giulia. For other views see Brescia.
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reliquary with pilgrim/secular badges, wood and tin alloy, late 14-early 15th c., Tournai, treasury of Nôtre-Dame. This work has its own page.
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lion support, late 14th-early 15th c., Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page
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Canterbury cloister, 1395?-aft. 1414. The cloister has its own own page.
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Lorenzo Monaco, Virgin and Child, gilded and engraved glass, Florence c.1400, Louvre OA 3109
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St Catherine trampling Emperor Maximian, Rhineland c.1400, Louvre OA 3456. For another view see Louvre.
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amethyst beaker, Paris or Venice?, c.1400, Louvre OA 2042
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aquamanile in the form of a gryphon, copper alloy, Nürnberg c.1400, Louvre
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coat of arms on a grave stone: 3 swans emerging from a crown, c.1400, HNM 70.62.1-6
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Canterbury Water Tower, c.1400 and 1153-67. Canterbury conventual buildings have their own page.
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Entry into Jerusalem, tin pilgrim sign, Bremen?, c.1400, WienMus
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miraculous Hosts of Wilsnack: Crucifixion, Resurrection, Flagellation, tin pilgrim sign, Wilsnack c.1400, WienMus
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upper part of largest window c.1400, Kloster Wienhausen, which has its own pages
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Man of Sorrows, right half of an ivory diptych with polychrome, Tuscany? c.1400-early 15th c., Louvre
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processional candle holder, gold/tempera on linen/clay over wood, 1400-25: Last Supper, Entry into Jerusalem, Footwashing, WienMus
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Noli me tangere, early 15th-c. Spain, tempera/oil/gold on panel transferred to hardboard, SF 61.44.28. For detail see SF.
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western transept window early 15th c., glass 1869, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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iconostasis upper narrow strip, square feast icons early 15th c., parts Andrei Rublev and Prokhor Gorodets: Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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Virgin and Child, early 15th c., Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page
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Resurrection, painted ivory, early 15th c., poss. Cologne, Schn B167. For reverse see Schn.
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Falconer brooch, gold/enamel/sapphire/pearl, early 15th c., KGM F 1364. For other views see Berlin.
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aquamanile in the form of a horse, copper alloy, Nürnberg c.1400-50, Met 47.101.53 loaned to PMA. This object has its own page.
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part of a candlestick from Jászágó (Hungary), bronze? 1st half of 15th c., HNM
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St. Andrew, copper gilt, c.1400-50, Tau
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Crucifixion, painted ivory, c.1400-50 Rhineland or Flanders, Schn B144
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Man of Sorrows, painted wooden pax, school of Romagna, first half 15th c., Arezzo MS
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Efimiya encomium to St. Lazar, gold and silver embroidery on silk, Serbia 1402, MSOC
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Marie de Bourbon, pioress of St. Louis de Poissy (d.1402), black and white marble, early 15th c., Louvre R.F. 3050. This work has its own page.
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imperial ceremony, ivory pyxis, 1403-04, DO BZ.1936.24, which has its own page
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Francesco di Valdambrino 1403-09, polychromed wood, Christ child blessing, SPN inv. 36 1BS, which has its own page
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St Albans clock tower, complete by 1405; St Albans has its own pages.
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North Paradise c.1405, Cathedral, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Man of Sorrows w. instruments Passion, Niccolo di Pietro Gerini c.1405-06, tempera/panel fr Santissima Annunziata, Florence: Arezzo MS
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Hallmarks plaque, copper, Rouen 1408, Cluny Cl.3451. This work has its own page.
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center dome covered with gilded bronze 1408, Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own exterior page
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Major Sakkos of Photius, Byzantine 1408-31, Armory TK-4, which has its own page
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Naumburg Chapel of the Three Kings, 1409-22, which has its own page
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Ring of Jean sans Peur, Paris c.1410, Louvre OA 9524, which has its own page.
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left: Aachen cathedral, Chapel of St. Matthew, 1414. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Madonna of Mercy, Giovanni di Agnolo di Balduccio c.1414, fresco, Arezzo MS. For detail see Arezzo Museums.
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Lorenzo Monaco, Crucifix (croce dipinta), panel painting c.1420. MFAB. This work has its own page.
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Old Testament scenes on oak choir stalls, 1420, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page with more reliefs
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Queen Margrete I (d. 1412), alabaster effigy Johannes Junge 1423, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni), St. Thomas Aquinas at Prayer (predella panel from a polyptych), tempera on poplar wood, c.1423-26, MFAB 32. This work has its own page.
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canopy from the throne of Charles VII of France, wool and silk, attrib. Jacob de Littemont, c.1425-50, Louvre OA 12281. For detail see Louvre.
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St. Olav triumphant over paganism, oak w. polychromy, altar dossal fr. Austevoll c.1425-50, Bergen MA 284. For other views see Bergen.
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reliquary of Pont-Saint-Esprit, 1429, wood/silver gilt: SS Caesarius, Blaise. Musée d'art sacré du Gard. For detail see Pont-Saint-Esprit.
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Winterfeld Diptych: Virgin and Child, Man of Sorrows with Holy Lance and instruments of the Passion, Ecce Homo, tempera on oak, from church of Notre Dame in Gdansk, Gdansk c.1430, MNW Śr. 206. For additional views see MNW.
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Ceiling boss with dragons, wood with polychrome, England c.1430, prob. from Church of St. Andrews, Cullompton, UMMA 1968/2.46. For additional views see UMMA.
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St. Andrew with donor and Crucifixion, tempera and oil on wood, Retascon Master, Aragon c.1430, MFAB 99.1
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"Inkpot Madonna" c.1430 on pier left, Hildesheim Cathedral, which has its own interior page
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console of standing figure by ambo, sandstone 1430, polychromed 1849, Aachen cathedral choir. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Annunciation, woodcut/paper, Oberrhein c.1430-40, WienMus
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east/west columns in each cluster 1430s, north/south 1153-95, Galilee, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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Ceremonial Hall of Archbishop's Palace Novgorod, 1430s, which has its own page
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parade helmet crest, copper gilt, c.1430-70, Arezzo MS, which has its own page
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Saint Francis receiving stigmata, Jan van Eyck 1430-32, oil on vellum on panel, PMA cat. 314. For view with frame see PMA.
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ceramic mold with Annunciation, c.1430/40, LMM 26/106
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Weddeghe Velstede, silver gilt reliquary monstrance 1433, with Fatimid crystal, AIC 1962.91. This work has its own page.
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charter of Abbess Katharina von Hoya authorizing construction of a chapel, Dec. 13, 1433, WienMus. For other views see WienMus.
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organ, 1433-37, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page with architectural context
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Bernat Martorell, St. George, Spain 1434-35, tempera on panel, AIC 1933.786. This work has its own page.
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Chapel of Rarogne paintings, 1434-37, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page with details
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apse paintings, 1434-37, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page with contemporary paintings
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Ivan Arip, 1435: Panagiarion, silver gilt, which has its own page
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Annunciation and Expulsion, Giovanni di Paolo c. 1435, tempera on panel, NGA 1939.1.223. This work has its own page.
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Parri Spinelli, Madonna of Mercy w. lives SS. Lorentino, Pergentino, tempera/panel 1435-37, Arezzo MS, which has its own page
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Parri Spinelli, prob. Battle of Maxentius, c.1435-40, fresco fr. abbey of SS. Flora e Lucella, Arezzo MS
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Rogier van der Weyden, St. Luke drawing the Virgin, oil transferred to canvas c.1435-40s, Hermitage ГЭ-419. For view with person for scale see Hermitage.
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west window 1436, glass 1867, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages with tomb of Bishop Langley d. 1437
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Sion Cathedral, monument of Bishop André of Gualdo, d.1437. For details see Sion Cathedral.
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Deesis in 2nd tier iconostasis: Aaron son of Feofan 1439, Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own interior page
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Greek inscription: repair to Constantinople city wall by John VIII. Palaiologos, 1439, marble with lead letters, SMBByz 6390
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Russian inscriptions c.1439-50 on Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page with many inscriptions.
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Michele Giambono, Virgin and Child c.1440-early 1450s, tempera on linden. MFAB 1029. This work has its own page.