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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
December 4, 2023

Historical Archive: 15th century: c.1440-1500

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St. Olav triumphant over paganism, oak w. polychromy, altar dossal fr. Austevoll c.1425-50, Bergen MA 284. For other views see Bergen.
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parade helmet crest, copper gilt, c.1430-70, Arezzo MS, which has its own page
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Parri Spinelli, God sending Gabriel to Mary, fresco c.1440-49, fr. Duomo Vecchio, Tabernacle of the Annunciation, Arezzo MS
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Michele Giambono, Virgin and Child c.1440-early 1450s, tempera on linden. MFAB 1029. This work has its own page.
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Man of Sorrows from St. Nicholas church in Brzeg (Brieg), Wrocław 1443, paint on larch wood, MNW Śr. 343. This work has its own page.
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Three Coronations tapestry, Brussels 1446-88, Sens CT. This work has its own page.
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left: Aachen cathedral, Chapel of St. Anne bef. 1449. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Dormition of the Virgin, mid 15th c., Tretyakov Gallery Moscow. This object has its own page.
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Entombment: Khutyn epitaphios, taffeta with gold/silver/silk embroidery, mid 15th c., workshop of Archbishop Euthymius/Euphemius II (1429–1459), Novgorod AM. For details see Novgorod.
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Christ; St. Maurice, St. Peter, Pope Boniface IX: tin pilgrim sign, Magdeburg c.1450, WienMus
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foliate mask (Green Man) from Mainz, sandstone key stone with polychrome, c.1450, LMM S3125. For another view see LMM.
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altar of St. Sebastian, 1450, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page with additional views
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reliquary: blown glass beaker, wood, wax, Germany c. 1450, V&A C.280-1936
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Apostle with club, prob. St. Judas Thaddeus (Jude), alabaster, c.1450-60 southern Netherlands or north-east France, PMA 1999-131-1. For other views see PMA.
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Filippo Lippi, Coronation of the Virgin panel, Marsuppini altarpiece, 1450s, Vat. loan to Arezzo MS. For details see Arezzo Museums.
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Virgin and Child, France c.1450-75, IMA 57.97. For other views see IMA.
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elements from an oak canopy including sheep and shepherd, Normandy c.1450-1500, PMA 1930-1-191a
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sheep, element from an oak canopy, Normandy c.1450-1500, PMA 1930-1-191a
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shepherd, element from an oak canopy, Normandy c.1450-1500, PMA 1930-1-191a
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inscriptions c.1450-1500, Kloster Wienhausen, which has its own pages
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St. Bernward of Hildesheim with Cistercian nun, paper, Wienhausen, c.1450-1500, WienMus
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St. Barbara, parchment, north German, c.1450-1500, WienMus
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Betrayal of Christ, alabaster with polychrome and gilding, England c.1450-1500, loan to UMMA from Met 1948,48.175.1. This work has its own page.
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aardvark, ceramic w. metallic glaze, Manises c.1450-1500, Cl. 2456
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Piero della Francesca frescoes: Legend of the True Cross, 1452-66, and 13th c. Crucifix with St. Francis, San Francesco, Arezzo
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Piero della Francesca frescoes: Legend of the True Cross, 1452-66, and 13th c. Crucifix with St. Francis, San Francesco, Arezzo
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Giovanni di Paolo 1453, St. Nicholas polyptych, SPN inv. 173, which has its own page
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stained glass windows: Goro di Bartolomeo, Leonardo di Bartolomeo, Bartolommeo d'Andrea Bocchi 1453-54, Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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Andrea Cavalcanti (il Buggiano), circle of Giuliano da Maiano, Neri di Bicci: Cardini (Trinity) chapel, 1453-58, , San Francesco, Pescia, which has its own page
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mourners, relief from the tomb of Pierre de Bauffremont, carboniforous limestone, Dijon 1453-72, WAM 27.542. This object has its own page.
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Andrea Guacioloti, Pope Nicholas V in the ship Eclesia, cast bronze 1455, UMMA 1984/1.283
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Aachen cathedral, Chapel of SS. Charles (Charlemagne) and Hubert, 1455-74. The cathedral has its own pages.
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left: memorial of Anthony Andrea Baldi 1458, Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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Chapel of the Magi (right) 1460, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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Giovanni di Paolo 1460-65, Last Judgment, SPN inv. 172, which has its own page
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door with St. Peter, c.1460-70, Pedro Garcia de Benabarre, oil on wood, MFAB 97.6b. This and the companion door have their own page.
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door with St. Paul, Pedro Garcia de Benabarre, c.1460-70, oil on wood, MFAB 97.6a. This and the companion door have their own page.
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Desiderio da Settignano, Saint Jerome in the Desert, marble, c.1461, NGA 42.9.113. This work has its own page.
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north porch 1461-85, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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salt cellar, gold metalwork probably Jaquet de Chiefdeville, 1462, Paris; jasper bowl mid 15th c.; Louvre MV 127. This work has its own page.
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central tower 1465-74, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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arm reliquary of St. Babylas from Guelph Treasure, silver and silver gilt on oak core, Brunswick 1467, PMA 1951-12-1. For other views see PMA.
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Lille, Hospice Comtesse, Hall of the Sick, 1468-72. For interior and exterior views see l’Hospice Comtesse.
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Sion Cathedral, nave and aisles 15th c., roofed 1469-99. This work has its own page.
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Chapelle Molitor, c.1470, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page with additional views
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song book (Wienhäuser Liederbuch), paper, c.1470, WienMus
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St. Francis, wood, c.1470-80, Utrecht, which has its own page
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cameo Christ: double-sided gem attrib. to Giovanni delle Corniole (aft. 1470–aft. 1516), in 17th c. enameled silver-gilt setting, p.c., access courtesy of Hadrien Rambach. For other views see private collections.
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Holy Kindred reliquary, Hans Greiff, Ingolstadt 1472, silver, silver gilt, paint, gems, pearls, Cluny Cl. 17048. This work has its own page.
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reliquary of the hand of St Martha from the convent of St Martha of Venice, silver gilt, Giovanni Leon, Venice 1472-74, Louvre OA 5641. This work has its own page.
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Wienhausen necrology 1474-1622, parchment, WienMus