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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
November 11, 2023

Historical Archive: First century BCE

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Chorasmian horse, 4th c. BCE-4th c. CE, Hermitage
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votive breast, ceramic, late 4th-mid 1st c. BCE Veii, KM 0000.00.1776
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votive eyes and nose, ceramic, late 4th-mid 1st c. BCE Veii, KM 0000.00.1774
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gold pendant, Eastern Mediterranean 3rd-1st c. BCE, p.c., which has its own page
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incantation bowl from Seleucia (Iraq), ceramic and paint, 3rd c. BCE-3rd c. CE or 6th-7th c. CE, KM 0000.03.3756. For other contemporary bowls and eggshells see Kelsey.
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woman bathing at a fountain and column, agate intaglio, 2nd-1st c. BCE Italic, on Enger cross c.1100, KGM 88,635. The cross has its own page.
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bracelets, Valais 2nd-1st c. BCE. VHM
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glass kantharos, 2nd-1st c. BCE, Vozdvizhenskaya Kurgan, Kuban region, MSHM
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Parthian ivory rhyton, 2nd-1st c. BCE, Hermitage CA-1504, which has its own page
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elephant from Seleucia (Iraq), molded ceramic, c.150 BCE-200 CE, KM 0000.01.6041
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camels from Seleucia (Iraq), molded ceramic and bitumen, c.150 BCE-200 CE, KM 0000.01.4400, 0000.01.6372, 0000.01.4315. For another view see Kelsey.
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gold/garnet/crystal/glass brooch, late 2nd-early 1st c. BCE, northeastern Black Sea, with Hellenistic carnelian intaglio Athena and Nike, Morgan 2012.2:14
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Greek rattle: child riding pig, ceramic, 1st c. BCE, Penn L-29-130, loan from PMA 29-6-134. For oblique view see Penn.
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Greek hero or god, marble stained with olive oil from cast making, Hellenistic 1st c. BCE, IMA 2004.89. For other views see IMA.
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Leda and the Swan, agate cameo, 1st c. BCE Alexandria, in later gold mount ГP-12692
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telamon (Atlas), terracotta, 1st c. BCE, fr. Panigai e Monastero, ANAM. For other views see ANAM.
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Young boy, Hellenistic, 1st c. BCE(?), bronze and silver, AIC 125.2012. For other views see AIC.
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Gold neck ring, 1st c. BCE/50 BCE, Met L.53.43.1-11, which has its own page.
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paten, serpentine plate 1st c. BCE/CE, fish inlay poss. 4th/5th c., metalwork mid to second half 9th c., Louvre MR 415. This work has its own page.
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pregnant woman on a birthing stool, Egypt 1st c. BCE/CE, BM 1992/8-11/1. For another view see BM.
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Medusa, 1st c. BCE/CE, red jasper intaglio, Florence MA Migliarini 1745. For modern impression see Florence MA.
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disk brooch, gold and glass, 1st c. BCE/CE, eastern Black Sea, Morgan 2012.2:104
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conch shell and inscription, 1st c. BCE/CE or 2nd c., red jasper intaglio, Florence MA 1731. For modern impression see Florence MA.
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Gonzaga cameo, agate: 2 rulers, 3rd c. BCE or *1st c. BCE/CE, Hermitage ГP-19076, which has its own page
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Hercules, 1st c. BCE-2nd c. CE, MFAB
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gold and glass pendant, 1st c. BCE-2nd c. CE, eastern Black Sea, Morgan 2012.2:16
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Old man, c.60 BCE, Munich Glyptothek. For other views see Munich Glyptothek.
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Rape of Europa? mosaic, c.50 BCE-200 CE, ANAM, which has its own page
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Belvedere Torso, Parian marble, mid 1st c. BCE Athens, Apollonios son of Nestor, Vat 1192. This work has its own page.
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man, stalactite limestone, mid 1st c. BCE, ANAM. For frontal view see ANAM.
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prase triton intaglio, 2nd half of 1st c. BCE, HNM K.16.1871.7, which has its own page
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vine w. bow, stone mosaic, 2nd half of 1st c. BCE, ANAM. For other views see ANAM.
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denarius of Julius Caesar, 48-47 BCE, MNW 219169 rev
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Minerva, 25-1 BCE, sardonyx, Florence MA 14841. For modern impression see Florence MA.
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Augustus, sardonyx, soon after 20 BCE, on Lothar cross, AachenCT, which has its own page
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Victory carrying a trophy, from Apollonia (Epirus), Greece, marble, late 1st c. BCE, Louvre Ma 1432. For another view see Louvre.
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wind personification, bronze, late 1st c. BCE/early 1st c. CE, fr. east wall of Aquileia forum, ANAM. For other views see ANAM.
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lead bar fr. Carthago Nova mines, late 1st c. BCE-early 1st c. CE, fr. Palazzolo dello Stella, ANAM. For details see ANAM.
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2 cattle, green plasma intaglio (chalcedony), late 1st c. BCE-mid 1st c. CE, MStA. For other views see MStA.