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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
November 11, 2023

Historical Archive: First century CE, more precisely datable

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wind personification, bronze, late 1st c. BCE/early 1st c. CE, fr. east wall of Aquileia forum, ANAM. For other views see ANAM.
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lead bar fr. Carthago Nova mines, late 1st c. BCE-early 1st c. CE, fr. Palazzolo dello Stella, ANAM. For details see ANAM.
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trophy and captive barbarian, funerary relief from Este (Italy), limestone, early 1st c. CE, MFAB 4830
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trophy and captive barbarian, funerary relief from Este (Italy), limestone, early 1st c. CE, MFAB 4830
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Augustus of Prima Porta, marble, early 1st c. CE, Vat MV.2290.0.0, which has its own page
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agate amphoriskos: Power of Love, Rome early-mid 1st c. CE, Hermitage ГP-12748. For oblique view see Hermitage.
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cameo empress, banded agate, 1st half of 1st c. CE, recut into an emperor, poss. in 11th c., on Enger cross c.1100, KGM 88,635. The cross has its own page.
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2 cattle, green plasma intaglio (chalcedony), late 1st c. BCE-mid 1st c. CE, MStA. For other views see MStA.
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Gemma Augustea, banded agate cameo, 9/10-12 CE, KHM ANSA IXa 79. This work has its own page.
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Augustus (d. 14 CE) from Marlborough Collection, banded agate cameo, RGM 70.3. For an earlier Augustus see Lothar cross.
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Augustus (d. 14 CE) wearing the aegis of Minerva, with medieval diadem, 14-20 CE, banded agate cameo, BM 1867/5-7/484
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agate cameo of Emperor Tiberius, 14-37 CE; frame France or Italy, early 16th c.: gold, enamel, pearl. AIC 1992.297
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portrait of a youth, Greek island marble, Roman c.14-38 CE (Julio-Claudian), IMA 59.45
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portrait of a youth, Greek island marble, Roman c.14-38 CE (Julio-Claudian), IMA 59.45
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Germanicus? (d. 19 CE) glass cameo prob. 1st c. CE, in a Roman period bound pendant from Zethlingen, MVFg. This work has its own page.
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Germanicus? (d. 19 CE) with 3 children, phalera, molded glass cameo in metalwork mount, 1st c., HMP
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antelope, Roman glass bowl, north Italy c.25-50 CE, Hermitage Oп.18180
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Jupiter with eagle (Camée de Chartres), c.25-50 CE sardonyx cameo in enameled gold 14th-c. mount reworked 1793, CdM Chab. 4
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Jupiter with eagle (Camée de Chartres), c.25-50 CE sardonyx cameo in enameled gold 14th-c. mount reworked 1793, CdM Chab. 4
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Nabataean grave inscription of Artobel, black basalt dated 37 CE, Vat N31403
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Emperor Claudius as Jupiter, agate cameo 41-54 CE; frame Italy, late 16th c.:gold, pearls, enamel. AIC 1991.375. For profile see AIC.
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Roman antler ring with phallus, c. 43-100, from Rangoon St. London, oblique, MoL RAG82[1156]<90>. For another view see MoL.
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leather bikini fr London, c.43-100 CE, MoL 21233
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Messalina with the infant Britannicus from Rome, marble, c.45 CE, Louvre MR 280
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grave stone of Vonatorix from Bonn, limestone, 50/60 CE, RLM
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grave stone of Vonatorix from Bonn, limestone, 50/60 CE, RLM
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grave stone of Vonatorix from Bonn, limestone, 50/60 CE, RLM
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grave stone of Vonatorix from Bonn, limestone, 50/60 CE, RLM
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funerary altar of Julia Victorina from Rome, marble, 75-100 CE, Louvre MA 1443
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Hercules from Herculaneum (bef. 79 CE), bronze, Louvre Br 32
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blacksmith shop from area of Beligna, late 1st-early 2nd century, limestone, ANAM. For detail see ANAM.
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frog brooch, Gaul late 1st-mid 3rd c., copper alloy/enamel/glass/silver/gilt, Morgan 2012.2:4
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Anubis, bronze, c.90-150, MNW 148140. For additional views see MNW.
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Flavia Julia Titi (d. 91 CE), aquamarine intaglio signed Euodos (engraved side), with sapphires and pearls in gold top jewel of "Escrain de Charlemagne", 9th c. (3rd quarter?), CdM Chab. 2089
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Flavia Julia Titi (d. 91 CE), aquamarine intaglio signed Euodos (unengraved side), with sapphires and pearls in gold top jewel of "Escrain de Charlemagne", 9th c. (3rd quarter?), CdM Chab. 2089. Not available in higher resolution.
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painted sarcophagus from Crimea, late 1st/early 2nd c., Hermitage П.1899-81, which has its own page
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glass amphora with cremains, late 1st-early 2nd c., Trier, SMB MVFg Ii 897. For another view see Berlin.