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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
November 6, 2023

Historical Archive: Greece and Cyprus
For Ptolemaic Egypt see Egypt.

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bronze horse, Greek c.750-30 BCE, AIC 2016.193. This work has its own page.
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black-figure Corinthian aryballos from Chaeronea: birds, c. 600 BCE, KM 0000.02.9175. For another view see Kelsey.
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black-figure Attic lekythos: Hercules and the Nemean lion, 6th c. BCE, KM 0000.02.9171. For another view see Kelsey.
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myrtle wreath, gold, 6th c. BCE, Hermitage ГP-19706
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seated figure, ceramic, early 6th c. BCE Greece, SF 1925.389. For frontal view see SF.
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Late Archaic male votary with wreath from the Cypriot Temple at Golgoi, c.500-480 BCE, IMA 28.35
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Late Archaic male votary with wreath from the Cypriot Temple at Golgoi, c.500-480 BCE, IMA 28.35
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Exekias, black-figure amphora from Vulci with Ajax and Achilles playing dice, c.540-30 BCE, Vat 16757. This work has its own page.
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black-figure Attic lekythos: Hercules and dancers at a banquet, or Dionysos with maenads, end of 6th c. BCE, KM 0000.00.2596. For another view see Kelsey.
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hybrid figure, chalcedony intaglio, Late Archaic Greek c.500 BCE, Fitz. CG 518. This work has its own page.
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'The Grimani Oinochoe': bronze jug from Peloponnesos, Greek c.460-50 BCE, MFAB LA18
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'The Grimani Oinochoe': Silenos, bronze jug from Peloponnesos, Greek c.460-50 BCE, MFAB LA18
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red-figure Attic skyphos: owl, c.450-400 BCE, KM 0000.00.2608. For another view see Kelsey.
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Parthenon South Metope III, marble, 447-432 BCE, BM 1816,0610.2. This work has its own page.
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Parthenon South Metope XXVIII, marble, 447-432 BCE, BM 1816,0610.12. This work has its own page.
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Parthenon South Metope XXXI, marble, 447-432 BCE, BM 1816,0610.15. This work has its own page.
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winged sphinx earring pendant, 4th-3rd c. BCE, KHM VIIb 259. For another view see KHM.
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wreath, gold, 4th-3rd c. BCE, SF 1967.7. For detail see SF.
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Nike earring pendants, gold, late 4th-early 3rd c. BCE, SF 1984.102.2a-b
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Eros earring pendant, gold, late 4th-early 3rd c. BCE, SF 1984.102.3
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gryphon, ceramic/gilt, Tarantine 350-325 BCE, SF 1990.10.2
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Temple Boy from Phaneromeni (Cyprus), ceramic, c.325-50 BCE, KM 0000.02.9124. For another view see Kelsey.
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female ring-dancer, ceramic, 3rd c. BCE Cyprus (Chytroi or Soli?), KM 0000.02.9120. For another view see Kelsey.
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Greek pyxis with nereid riding a hippocamp, ceramic, 3rd c. BCE, IMA 47.40
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Greek pyxis with nereid riding a hippocamp, ceramic, 3rd c. BCE, IMA 47.40
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dancing woman, marble, 3rd c. BCE Greek, MFAB 4759
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dancing woman, marble, 3rd c. BCE Greek, MFAB 4759
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dancing woman, marble, 3rd c. BCE Greek, MFAB 4759
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dancing woman, marble, 3rd c. BCE Greek, MFAB 4759
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bronze bear, poss. 3rd c. BCE, prob. 2nd c. CE, Aachen cathedral. The bear has its own page.
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earring, gold/garnet, 3rd-2nd c. BCE, SF 401a-b
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miniature female head, ceramic, Cyprus c.250 BCE, KM 0000.02.9127
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miniature female head, ceramic, Cyprus c.250 BCE, KM 0000.02.9127
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Egyptian gods, unfinished chalcedony quader, Hellenistic, prob. 2nd c. BCE, AS 2009,6. This object has its own page.
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hermaphrodite, marble, Hellenistic? 2nd c. BCE? Penn MS5970, which has its own page
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bracelet, early 2nd c. BCE? prob. Greek western Syria; gold, garnet, glass, emerald. AIC loan fr. Oriental Institute OIM 29788
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gold/garnet/crystal/glass brooch, late 2nd-early 1st c. BCE, northeastern Black Sea, with Hellenistic carnelian intaglio Athena and Nike, Morgan 2012.2:14
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Greek rattle: child riding pig, ceramic, 1st c. BCE, Penn L-29-130, loan from PMA 29-6-134. For oblique view see Penn.
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Young boy, Hellenistic, 1st c. BCE(?), bronze and silver, AIC 125.2012. For other views see AIC.
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Greek hero or god, marble stained with olive oil from cast making, Hellenistic 1st c. BCE, IMA 2004.89
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Greek hero or god, marble stained with olive oil from cast making, Hellenistic 1st c. BCE, IMA 2004.89
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Greek hero or god, marble stained with olive oil from cast making, Hellenistic 1st c. BCE, IMA 2004.89
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Hercules, 1st c. BCE-2nd c. CE, MFAB
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Belvedere Torso, Parian marble, mid 1st c. BCE Athens, Apollonios son of Nestor, Vat 1192. This work has its own page.
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Victory carrying a trophy from Apollonia (Epirus), Greece, marble, late 1st c. BCE, Louvre Ma 1432
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Victory carrying a trophy from Apollonia (Epirus), Greece, marble, late 1st c. BCE, Louvre Ma 1432
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"Thracian Horseman" funerary relief, marble, 2nd-3rd c. Macedonia, MFAB 50.962
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doll, bone, Rhodes, 125-50?, Louvre MND 1397
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large undated gaming die from Orthia, BM 1923,0212.306