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Genevra Kornbluth.
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February 10, 2024

Historical Archive: Painting to 1300

See also Manuscripts and, in the Medium Index, ceramics, glass, and textiles.

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painted sarcophagus from Crimea, late 1st/early 2nd c., Hermitage П.1899-81, which has its own page
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funerary stela of Herakela (age 60) and Ares (age 52), limestone and paint, 2nd-early 4th c. Terenouthis (Egypt), KM 0000.02.1179. For full object and another detail see Kelsey.
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tiger wall painting fr. Toprak-kala palace (Uzbekistan), 3rd-4th c., Hermitage
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Mummy portrait, 4th c. Egypt, tempera, Florence MA. This work has its own page.
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glass ampulla with painted saint, 5th to 6th c. Syria/Palestine, CMA 1999.236. For another view see CMA.
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Icons of St. Victor and of veiled woman, Egypt late 6th-early 7th c., Florence MA. These icons have their own page.
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Sancta Sanctorum reliquary box, Syria/Palestine, late 6th-early 7th c. This work has its own page.
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Chorasmian ossuary fr. Tok-Kala necropolis (Uzbekistan), alabaster, 7th c., Hermitage. For inscription detail see Hermitage.
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8th-c. painting in niche, Saint-Denis basilica crypt, which has its own page with another painted niche.
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fresco from foot of Oppian Hill, Rome, 8th/9th c., Vat 31448 (ex 119). This work has its own page.
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Baptism of Christ fragment, linen and tempera, 8th to 11th c., Pushkin DB11257
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Syriac funerary inscription with Christian prayer for Maria, dated 860, Vat
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Last Judgment, tempera, Nicholas and Johannes 1061-71, Vat 40526, which has its own page
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Sion Cathedral, Christ in Majesty, 12th c. (badly restored). This building has its own page.
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Moses, fresco from S. Nicola in Carcere, Rome, 1120-30, Vat 40508. For details see Vatican Museums.
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Amos, fresco from S. Nicola in Carcere, Rome, 1120-30, Vat 40583
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icon Our Lady of the Sign, mid 12th c. before 1169, Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own interior page. This photo not available at high resolution.

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St. Paul bitten by a viper, c.1160, Canterbury cathedral, which has its own interior page.
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Nerezi Lamentation/ hymnographers, 1164, which has its own page
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St Albans cathedral pier painting c.1190-1220, poss. Walter of Colchester; St Albans has its own pages.
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13th c. Crucifix with St. Francis, and Piero della Francesca frescoes: Legend of the True Cross, 1452-66, San Francesco, Arezzo. For another view see Arezzo Churches.
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nave ceiling Tree of Jesse, 1200-50, which has its own page, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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St Albans cathedral pier painting c.1230-70; St Albans has its own pages.
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Bonaventura Berlinghieri 1235, St. Francis, which has its own page
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Madonna dei Mantellini, Master of Saints Cosmas and Damian, c.1250-75, SPN 603. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child Enthroned, Master of Saint Agata c.1250-75, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence. This work has its own page.
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Madonna di Montelungo, Margarito/Margaritone d'Arezzo, tempera/panel c. 1250-1300, Arezzo MS, which has its own page
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Virgin and Child Enthroned (Kahn Madonna), Byzantine (Latin Empire Constantinople) c.1260, tempera on panel, NGA 1949.7.1. This work has its own page.
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Galli-Dunn Madonna, Dietisalvi di Speme?, c.1260-70, SPN 587. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child enthroned, assistant of Guido da Siena, c.1260-70, Arezzo MS 2. This work has its own page.
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St Albans cathedral pier painting prob. 1260s-70s; St Albans has its own pages.
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St. Francis, shop of Margarito/Margaritone d'Arezzo c.1260-75, tempera/panel, Arezzo MS
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Virgin and Child Enthroned (Mellon Madonna), Italy or Cyprus c.1260-1285, tempera on panel, NGA 1937.1.1. This work has its own page.
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Madonna del Bordone, Coppo di Marcovaldo 1261, Church of Santa Maria dei Servi, Siena. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child, 1262, Master of San Bernardino, SPN 16. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child with SS Paul, Peter, John the Evangelist, and Andrew, c.1265-75, Madonna del Voto Master (Dietisalvi di Speme?), SPN 6. This work has its own page.
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The Lord and the Virgin Enthroned together, Clarisse Master (active last 3rd of 13th c.), tempera and gold on wood 97 x 59 cm, Convent of the Clarisse, Siena.
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Cimabue, Crucifixion 1268-71, church of San Domenico, Arezzo. This work has its own page.
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Guido da Siena, Virgin and Child enthroned, 1270s, church of San Domenico, Siena. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child with SS Francis, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, and Mary Magdalen, c.1270-80, follower of Madonna del Voto Master, SPN 7. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child reliquary, Coppo di Marcovaldo c.1270-80, Santa Maria Maggiore, Florence. This work has its own page.
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altar baldachin fr. Årdal, painted pine 1275-1300, Bergen 131: Crucifixion w. Peter/Paul, Christ enthroned, Virgin and Child w. St. Margaret of Antioch
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Tablet reliquary, late 13th-c. Mount Athos or Venice; cedar wood, copper alloy, horn, silver, manuscript, glass, beads, gems; MRAH 3225. This work has its own page.
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St. Catherine of Alexandria, late 13th c. Rome, fresco from S. Agnese sulla via Nomentana, Vat 40478. For details see Vatican Museums.
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St. Peter altarpiece, Saint Peter Master or Guido da Siena/Guido di Graziano, 1280s. SPN 15. This work has its own page.
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Madonna del Voto, mid 1280s, tempera and gold on wood, Madonna del Voto Master (Dietisalvi di Speme?), Siena cathedral
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Dietisalvi di Speme, biccherna: Abbot of San Donato Ghiffollino Nazi, Siena 1282, MFAB 2. MFAB biccherne have their own page.
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Virgin and Child, Badia a Isola Master (or Duccio with Badia a Isola Master) c.1290, tempera and gold on wood 65 x 50 cm, SPN 593. For details see Siena.
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biccherna with a friar of the Humiliati, Siena 1296, MFAB 3. MFAB biccherne have their own page.
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Madonna of the Franciscans, Duccio c.1300, tempera and gold on wood 23.5 x 16 cm, SPN 20
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Virgin and Child with SS Augustine, Paul, Peter and Dominic, Duccio workshop, c.1300-05, SPN 28. This work has its own page.