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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
August 23, 2023

Historical Archive: Cameos, 12th century to present

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Anastasis, jasper or haematite, 11th-12th c., MSHM GIM 53151/73, OK 10965 (269), MSHM
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dead Christ, steatite pendant, 11th-13th c., MSHM
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John the Baptist, steatite? Novgorod 11th-13th c., MSHM
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eagle, carnelian cameo, 12th c. Italy, Fitz. CG 751a. This work has its own page.
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Christ blessing, sapphire, Byzantine 12th c., DO 36.17. This object has its own page.
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Crucifixion and Lamentation, steatite, Byzantine 12th c., Hermitage
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Virgin Hagiosoritissa, hematite or jasper, Byzantine 12th c., DO 36.31
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Christ crowning SS. George and (?)Theodore Stratelates, steatite, 12th c., MSHM GIM 77091, OK 13176 (270), MSHM
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praying Virgin, steatite, 12th c., MSHM
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steatite Pentecost, Constantinople 12th c., Vat 61173
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steatite Virgin w child, 12th c., Byzantine east: Armenia? Vat 61177
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icon: holy bishop?, slate or shale, 12th-13th c. Novgorod?, MSHM
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steatite Christ, Italy 12th-13th c., Vat 61172
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head of a bearded saint, steatite, Byzantine early 12th c., DO 1999.18. This work has its own page.
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Christ: Byzantine cameo and setting, lapis lazuli, silver gilt, c.1100-50, Louvre MR 95. This side has its own page.
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Mary: Byzantine cameo and setting, lapis lazuli, silver gilt, c.1100-50, Louvre MR 95. This side has its own page.
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St. James with two pilgrims, molded cameo glass, Venice c.1200-1250, CMA 1985.146
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glass cameo Christ, angels, Venice 13th c., Vat 61160
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glass cameo Deesis, Venice mid 13th c., BNM MA 291
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Aurora (dawn), banded agate cameo, 13th c. S.Italy, Fitz. CG 752. This work has its own page.
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Hercules and the Nemean lion with basilisk, banded agate, 13th c., DO 62.38. For details see DO.
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Ascension (lower part), Byzantine steatite, DO 1951.26. For reverse see DO.
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head of a saint, Byzantine steatite, DO 1963.26
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head of a saint, detail, Byzantine steatite, DO 1963.26
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SS. George and Theodore receiving martyrs’ crowns, Byzantine steatite, DO 1951.25

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SS. George and Theodore receiving martyrs’ crowns, detail, Byzantine steatite, DO 1951.25

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St. George enkolpion, Byzantine steatite, DO 1940.5
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St. George enkolpion, reverse, Byzantine steatite, DO 1940.5
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St. Nicholas enkolpion, Byzantine steatite, DO 1958.24
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Deposition with stamp of Santiago de Compostella, jet in silver, 15th or 16th c., Louvre OA 11112
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stag wounded by arrow, sardonyx cameo, 15th or 17th c., Florence MA 14584
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cameo Christ: double-sided gem attrib. to Giovanni delle Corniole (aft. 1470–aft. 1516), in 17th c. enameled silver-gilt setting, p.c., access courtesy of Hadrien Rambach
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reverse of double-sided gem attrib. to Giovanni delle Corniole (aft. 1470–aft. 1516): intaglio Annunciation, in 17th c. enameled silver-gilt setting, p.c., access courtesy of Hadrien Rambach
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double-sided gem attrib. to Giovanni delle Corniole (aft. 1470–aft. 1516), in 17th c. enameled silver-gilt setting, p.c., access courtesy of Hadrien Rambach
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Crowned woman, prob. late 15th c., or Antonia Minor 1st c., sardonyx cameo, Florence MA 14553
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Hercules urinating, late 15th or 3rd c., sardonyx cameo, Florence MA 14612
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Hercules and Nemean lion, 1500-25, fossil coral cameo (stellaria stone), Florence MA 15891
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Iphigenia, Orestes, and Pylades in Tauris or Ulysses and Diomedes seizing Palladion, prob. c.1500-50, sardonyx cameo in 16th-c. gold and enamel mount, Florence MA 14468
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Anti-slavery medallion, William Hackwood (Wedgwood) 1787 England: stoneware, steel, ivory. AIC 1912.326
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woman in a flower wreath, shell, late 19th to early 20th c., p.c.
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woman in a flower wreath, reverse, shell, late 19th to early 20th c., p.c.
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woman in a flower wreath, flower, shell, late 19th to early 20th c., p.c.
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woman in a flower wreath, face, shell, late 19th to early 20th c., p.c.