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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
January 17, 2024

Historical Archive: Ivory through mid-8th century

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Two swimming reindeer from Montastruc, mammoth ivory, c.11,000 BCE (Late Magdalenian), BM Palart.550
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cosmetic spoon, ivory/ebony/paint, New Kingdom c.1388-1351 BCE, Pushkin. For other views see Pushkin.
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ivory sphinx, Nimrud 8th c. BCE, Penn 65-3-2
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Parthian ivory rhyton, 2nd-1st c. BCE, Hermitage CA-1504, which has its own page
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Roman ivory disk game piece with hippocamp and eel, reverse numbered XV and Iε, CdM Froehner 238
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rabbit or hare crouching facing R, numbered I, Roman ivory or bone game piece, CdM Froehner 97
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tessera/game piece, prob. Roman ivory, Vat
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Hercules and the Cretan bull, probably 1st c., BM 1814/7-4/1652
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ivory terminal: boat, sailors; 3rd-4th c., Vat 62588
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Symmachorum ivory, late 4th to early 5th c., V&A 212-1865, which has its own page
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Peter's Denial and Repentance, and Arrest of Christ, 5th c. Italy (Ravenna?), Louvre OA 3860
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Asklepios and Hygeia, 5th c., Liverpool museum
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Muses diptych, 5th c., Louvre LP 1264. For details see Louvre.
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life of Dionysus, ivory pyxis, 5th c., Bologna pcr 12, which has its own page
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Bacchus and Ariadne, ivory pyxis, 5th-6th c., Trier? KHM X41, which has its own page
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Rome, ivory, 5th-6th c., KHM X 38, which has its own page with companion panel
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Constantinople, ivory, 5th-6th c., KHM X 37, which has its own page with companion panel
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Christ with SS. Peter and Paul, ivory 5th-6th c., on Schn B98, which has its own page
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Christian pyxis, ivory, 5th-6th c., Bologna BIZ 2, which has its own page
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Scenes from the life of St. Paul, and Adam in Paradise, diptych c.400, Bargello, Florence
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circus scenes, tinted ivory diptych, c.400 AD, Louvre OA 9062
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Resurrection/Ascension, ivory, c.400, BNM MA 157, which has its own page.
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miracles of Christ: healing of the Haemorrhoissa, the Paralytic, and the Demoniac, Rome c.400, Louvre OA 7876, 7877, 7878. For other views see Louvre.
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Infancy/Miracle ivory, c.400-435, SMBByz 2719, which has its own page
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apostle, Rome early 5th c., Louvre OA 6263
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priestess at altar of Cybele (Nicomachorum ivory), early 5th c., Cluny Cl.17048. This work has its own page.
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Paul, Rome or north Italy c.400-25, Louvre OA 10947
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circus scenes diptych, 2nd half of 5th c., Hermitage. For detail see Hermitage.
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ivory medicine box converted to reliquary, Asclepius and Hygeia, late 5th c., VHM, loan from Sion CT. This work has its own page.
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Resurrection, ivory pyxis, 6th c., eastern Mediterranean, VHM, loan from Sion CT. This work has its own page.
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Visitation and Annunciation to Anna, panels from a diptych, Syria 6th c., Hermitage. Part of same object as Louvre OA 11149.
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Annunciation, Ordeal, Flight; ivory, 6th c. eastern Mediterranean (Syria?), Louvre OA 11149. Part of same object as Hermitage Visitation/Annunciation to Anna.
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Mary's Trial by Bitter Water, ivory, 6th c. eastern Mediterranean (Syria?), Louvre OA 11149. Part of same object as Hermitage Visitation/Annunciation to Anna.
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pyxis: cross and Annunciation, 6th c. provincial Byzantine (Ravenna?), CMA 1951.114. For other views see CMA.
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Bacchus ivory, 6th c. Egypt, on ambo, Aachen cathedral. The ambo and cathedral have their own pages with another ivory.
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buckle of St. Caesarius, ivory, early 6th c., Arles. This work has its own page.
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St. Peter, ivory, Gaul or Italy 6th-7th c., MRAH 3148. This work has its own page.
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Barberini Diptych: triumph of Justinian, ivory 527-65, Louvre OA 9063. This work has its own page.
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Cathedra of Maximian, ivory, 546-56, RavArchMus, which has its own page
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Christ enthroned ivory, mid 6th c., SMBByz 564/565, which has its own page with companion panel
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Virgin and child ivory, mid 6th c., SMBByz 564/565, which has its own page with companion panel
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pyxis with Christ and the Samaritan woman, eastern Mediterranean? c.550-600; Louvre OA 5524 A. This object has its own page.
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pyxis with Massacre of the Innocents, eastern Mediterranean? c.550-600; Louvre OA 5524 B. This object has its own page.
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Harrach diptych back, ivory, 7th-8th c., Schn 1012, which has its own page
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ceremonial comb, ivory, Syria/Egypt 7th-8th c., Schn B99
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Joel ivory, Syria/Palestine? 7th-8th c.? Louvre AC 864
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Joel ivory, Syria/Palestine? 7th-8th c.? Louvre AC 864