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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
November 10, 2023

Historical Archive: Ivory, c.1350 to present

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ivory Crucifixion, c.1350-60, SF 59.8
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Infancy and Passion diptych, ivory, Paris 1350-75, PMA 1921-20-1. This object has its own page.
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Virgin and Child with SS. James and Christopher, Flemish c.1350-75, IMA 57.99
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Passion of Christ, France c.1350-1400, ivory, loan to UMMA from Met 1917,17.190.200
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Entry into Jerusalem and Entombment, France c.1350-1400, ivory, loan to UMMA from Met 1917,17.190.200
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Crucifixion and Resurrection, France c.1350-1400, ivory, loan to UMMA from Met 1917,17.190.200
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Passion of Christ, reverse, France c.1350-1400, ivory, loan to UMMA from Met 1917,17.190.200
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Life of Christ diptych, late 14th c., MAAB
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walrus ivory crozier, Norway, late 14th c., V&A A.1-2002. This work has its own page.
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ivory chess piece, soldiers with spears (king on reverse), Spain or France 15th c. BM 1881,1114.1
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ivory chess piece, soldiers with spears (king on reverse), Spain or France 15th c. BM 1881,1114.1
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St Catherine trampling Emperor Maximian, Rhineland c.1400, Louvre OA 3456
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St Catherine trampling Emperor Maximian, Rhineland c.1400, Louvre OA 3456
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Man of Sorrows, right half of an ivory diptych with polychrome, Tuscany? c.1400-early 15th c., Louvre
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Resurrection, painted ivory, early 15th c., poss. Cologne, Schn B167. For reverse see Schn.
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Crucifixion, painted ivory, c.1400-50 Rhineland or Flanders, Schn B144
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imperial ceremony, ivory pyxis, 1403-04, DO BZ.1936.24, which has its own page
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Virgin and Child, France c.1450-75, IMA 57.97
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Virgin and Child, France c.1450-75, IMA 57.97
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Virgin and Child, France c.1450-75, IMA 57.97
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Crucifixion and Adoration of the Magi diptych, Flemish c.1475-1500, IMA 2006.135
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belt prob for Dominican monk/nun, wool and ivory, late 15th-c. north France or Flanders, Cluny Cl.11982
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St. Catherine of Siena: belt prob for Dominican monk/nun, wool and ivory, late 15th-c. north France or Flanders, Cluny Cl.11982
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Holy Face: belt prob for Dominican monk/nun, wool and ivory, late 15th-c. north France or Flanders, Cluny Cl.11982
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pendant with life of Christ, silver? and ivory, Athos 16th c., Schn B122
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Memento Mori bead poss. from a rosary, ivory, c.1500 France or Flanders, PMA 2007-133-1. This object has its own page.
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Crucifixion, Gaspar Núñez Delgado 1599; ivory, ebony, mahogany, silver, and polychrome, IMA 1995.24
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Crucifixion, Gaspar Núñez Delgado 1599; ivory, ebony, mahogany, silver, and polychrome, IMA 1995.24
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Crucifixion, Gaspar Núñez Delgado 1599; ivory, ebony, mahogany, silver, and polychrome, IMA 1995.24
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Crucifixion, Gaspar Núñez Delgado 1599; ivory, ebony, mahogany, silver, and polychrome, IMA 1995.24
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Hunting horn assoc. Henry IV of Navarre/France, ivory, France late 16th-early 17th c., Belgrade MAA 541. For other views see Belgrade MAA.
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infant Hercules attacked by snake, ivory c.1660, Master of the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, SF 52.6.4. For other views see SF.
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dancing Death, frontal, ivory, Germany c.1700, Schn B151
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dancing Death, profile
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Christ child as mariner on ship of salvation, based on Italian print. Portuguese India, early 17th c., BM 1959,0721.1
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box in the form of a gloved hand making the 'fig' gesture, J. Ch. Lücke?, 18th c. Germany, MAAB
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box in the form of a gloved hand making the 'fig' gesture, J. Ch. Lücke?, 18th c. Germany, MAAB
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St. Francis, ivory/leather, Spain 18th c., p.c., which has its own page
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Anti-slavery medallion, William Hackwood (Wedgewood) 1787 England: stoneware, steel, ivory. AIC 1912.326