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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
August 1, 2023

Historical Archive: Sixth century, middle to end

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Baduila (Totila, 541-52), Ostrogothic copper 10 nummi, reverse: Totila, Hermitage OH-З-115056
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Baduila (Totila, 541-52), Ostrogothic copper 10 nummi, obverse: Felix Ticinum (Pavia), Hermitage OH-З-115057
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Cathedra of Maximian, ivory, 546-56, RavArchMus, which has its own page
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angel fr. San Michele in Africisco, Ravenna, mid 6th c., Hermitage Ѡ-32
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cross medallion from the Monastery of Saint Catherine, Mount Sinai, wood and paint, mid 6th c., KM 1963.07.0001
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Christ enthroned ivory, mid 6th c., SMBByz 564/565, which has its own page with companion panel
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Virgin and child ivory, mid 6th c., SMBByz 564/565, which has its own page with companion panel
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glass bead from Rhenen grave 413, mid to early 2nd half of 6th c., Leiden Rh 413
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spindle whorls and beads from Rhenen grave 413: rock crystal, glass, amber, mid to early 2nd half of 6th c., Leiden Rh 413
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amber beads from Rheinhessen, mid to 2nd half of 6th c., LMM O,4035
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bow fibulae from Szentendre grave 56, c.550-70, displayed as worn, HNM
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material from Szentendre grave 56, c.550-70, displayed on reconstructed clothing, HNM
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Sion treasure, c.550-75, silver, which has its own page
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S-brooch, copper alloy, c.550-600, Morgan 2012.2:109
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S-brooch, silver/gilt/garnet, c.550-600, Morgan 2012.2:54
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rosette brooch, silver/gilt/garnet, c.550-600, Morgan 2012.2:52
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bound pendant from Chessell Down grave 45: dark crystal in silver, 2nd half of 6th c., BM 1867,0729.1
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bound pendant from Giberville ‘Le Martray’ grave 27, rock crystal and silver, c.550-600, Musée de Normandie de Caen 79.4.80
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claw beaker from Selzen grave 3, glass, 2nd half of 6th c., LMM N1084
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drinking horn from Rommersheim grave 6, glass, 2nd half of 6th c., LMM N4871-4881. For another view see LMM.
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ceramic vessel (Knickwandtopf) from Ober-Olm, 2nd half of 6th c., LMM N746
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ceramic vessel (Knickwandtopf) from Rheinhessen, 2nd half of 6th c., LMM 1979/176
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ivory pyxis with Christ and the Samaritan woman, eastern Mediterranean? c.550-600; Louvre OA 5524 A. This object has its own page.
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ivory pyxis with Massacre of the Innocents, eastern Mediterranean? c.550-600; Louvre OA 5524 B. This object has its own page.
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two people flanking Tree of Life, bronze buckle fr. Marchélepot, c. 550-600, SMB MVFg
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bird of prey brooch casing, gold/garnet, c.550-early 7th c., Morgan 2012.2:55
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Sutton Hoo shoulder clasps, c.560-610, BM 1939,1010.4/4a/5/5a. For oblique and scale views see BM.
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Riha paten, silver/gilt/niello, 565-78, DO BZ.1924.5, which has its own page
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bound pendant from Maastricht St. Servaeskerk Pandhof grave 418, rock crystal and silver, 3rd quarter of 6th to 7th c., City of Maastricht MST 418
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Leovigild (573-86), gold Visigothic tremissis, obverse, Hermitage OH-З-Aз-96 or 97
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Leovigild (573-86), gold Visigothic tremissis, reverse: Cordoba bis optinuit, Hermitage OH-З-Aз-96 or 97
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bird fibula from Castle Street Canterbury, late 6th c. Anglo-Saxon, CHM
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Daniel and Habakkuk buckle, bronze, region of Mâcon, late 6th c., MAN. For color see MAN.
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glass drinking horn poss. fr. Sutri, late 6th c., BM 1887,0108.2, which has its own page
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St. Simeon, silver/gilt, late 6th or 6th-7th c., Louvre Bj 2180/MND 2035, which has its own page.
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Sant'Angelo, Perugia, late 5th or late 6th or early 7th c. and later. This work has its own page.
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radiate-head bow brooches, copper alloy/gilt, late 6th-early 7th c. eastern Europe (Carpathians/Balkins?), Morgan 2012.2:79a,b
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disk fibula, gold, glass, garnet, late 6th-early 7th c., MAHSD. Not available at higher resolution.
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Sancta Sanctorum reliquary box, Syria/Palestine, late 6th-early 7th c. This work has its own page.
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Icons of St. Victor and of veiled woman, Egypt late 6th-early 7th c., Florence MA. These icons have their own page.