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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
October 28, 2023

Historical Archive: Tenth century, not more precisely datable

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Baptism of Christ fragment, linen and tempera, 8th to 11th c., Pushkin DB11257
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horn box with bone lid, 8th-12th c., Sens CT TC.C'3. For profile view see Sens.
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vial in fish form, rock crystal, 9th-10th c. Egypt, Hermitage СА-9993
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square capital with bull, oolithic limestone, 9th to 10th c., Brescia Museum of Santa Giulia. For other views see Brescia.
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bottle, blown and cut glass, 9th to 10th c., Egypt?, TMA 23.2142
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molar flask, cut glass, 9th to 10th c. ?Egypt, TMA 23.2150
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Epistle of James, 9th to 10th c. White Monastery, Pushkin
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angel with sword and scabbard, marble, Byzantine 9th-10th c., MFAB
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font, marble, 9th-10th c. Mainz, LMM S3116. For detail see LMM.
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cross, copper plate/glass, 9th to 10th c. Cologne, Schn G6. For oblique view see Schn.
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Eleanor Vase: crystal vessel Iran ninth/tenth century, or Sasanian; metalwork 1137-47. Louvre MR 340. This work has its own page.
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textile, Pre-Columbian Chancay culture, 9th-10th c., Imola
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Tortoise brooch fr. Oslo, bronze/gilt, 9th-10th c.? OHM C2222. For profile view with companion brooch see OHM.
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smoothing board? 9th-10th c. whalebone, fr. Grytøy, Trondenes, Bergen
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male figure with cross, bone, 9th-11th c. Byzantine Egypt, KM 1966.01.0102
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cylinder seal (?) with male saints or bishops, bone, 9th-11th c. Byzantine Eygpt, KM 1966.01.0109. This work has its own page.
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amber figure, amulet? 9th-11th c., OHM. For another view see OHM.
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amber quadruped with hind feet gripping neck fr. Haugsten, Østfold, 9th-11th c., OHM C4033. For another view see OHM.
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amber game piece fr. Østby, Vestfold, 9th-11th c., OHM C11772
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bird fitting, bronze, Viking period (9th-11th c.), Lejre 6410PX433. For oblique view see Lejre.
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animal interlace plaque, 9th-12th c. Russia (Kievan Rus), MSHM
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Crucifixion and Maries at the Sepulchre, St. Gall or north Italy, 10th c., MAAB. For details see MAAB.
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Cushion of St. Rémi: 10th c. silk, Byz? This work has its own page.
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bottle, blown and cut glass, 10th c. Iran, TMA 47.5
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pitcher, ceramic, 10th c., Chelles
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water strainer with epigraphic design, ceramic, 10th c. Fustat, Egypt, KM 1971.01.0021
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sherd with male saint, ceramic, 10th c. Byzantine Egypt, KM 1961.06.0059
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mold for a medallion of St. Simeon, 10th c. Byzantine steatite, KM 0000.08.7517
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modern impression of mold for a medallion of St. Simeon, KM 0000.08.7517
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Evangelist symbols and cross book cover or case, copper gilt and rock crystal on wood, 10th c., V&A 528-1893. For details see V&A.
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Putto and panther ivory, 10th c. Byzantine, Louvre AC 865
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Fatimid crystal panel with ibexes, 10th-c. Egypt; on reliquary casket from Moûtiers-en-Tarentaise, c.1200, poss. north France; Cluny Cl.11661. For reliquary see Cluny.
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Viking knife, bone? 10th c., Castle Street Canterbury, CHM
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10th-c. campanile, Ravenna cathedral complex at Orthodox baptistery, which has its own pages with more views.
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hare strap end, copper alloy, 10th c., MoL 3991
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trefoil brooch, bronze, 10th c., OHM C4730
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dragon medallion fr. Skeimo, Augst-Agder, bronze/gilt, 10th c., OHM C3923
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rolled up sword fr. Vold, iron/silver, 10th c., OHM C15888
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Crucifixion ivory, 10th c. Byzantine, on Small Bernward Gospels cover, Hildesheim 12th c., HildMus DS13. For other views see HildMus.
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pinecone base inscription, 10th c., Aachen cathedral. The pinecone has its own page.
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St. Artemon of of Laodikeia, MS Byzantine 10th c.; pendant reliquary, copper/glass Rome? 12th-13th c.; Vat 61918
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hare, part of an ivory frame, Egypt 10th-11th c., transfer from V&A A.13-1934, BM
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pendant reliquary, Constantinople 10th-11th c., BM AF.354, which has its own page
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lead token of St. Symeon Stylites the Younger, 10th-11th c. Syria, SMBByz 32/73, which has its own page
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ewer, rock crystal, Egypt 10th-11th c., Hermitage VЗ-801, which has its own page
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labor of September, ivory, 10th-11th c. Byzantine, SMBByz 573
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mount in bird form, copper alloy, 10th-11th c., MoL BUF90[1716]<212>
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ainmal interlace mount, gilt copper alloy, 10th-11th c., MoL A10394
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rock crystal chess knight, Abbasid or poss. Spanish, 10th-11th c., Schn F52
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soldier, Byzantine ivory 10th-11th c., Schn B6
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miniature free-blown glass cup with pinched decoration, 10th-12th c. Egypt, KM 1968.02.0067
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mold-blown glass flask with pinched decoration, 10th-12th c. Egypt, KM 1969.03.0038
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'seal of St. Servatius', jasper intaglio, 10th-12th c. Byzantine, Maastricht, Sint Servaas treasury
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roaming womb with 7 serpents (uterine amulet), 'seal of St. Servatius', jasper intaglio, 10th-12th c. Byzantine, Maastricht, Sint Servaas treasury
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pendant cross, bronze/enamel, 10th-13th c., Novgorod AM
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knucklebone on chain, 10th-14th c., Novgorod AM