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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
January 17, 2024

Historical Archive: Textiles, Cloth, Clothing (including leather clothing)
through tenth century

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textile, Pre-Columbian Paracas culture 7th-3rd c. BCE, Imola
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swan fr. Pazyryk barrow 5, reindeer wool felt, Pazyryk culture 5th-4th c. BCE, Hermitage 1687-260
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linen wrappings: Osiris corn mummy, earth/cereals/linen/wood/wax/gold, 1st-2nd c. CE, Bologna EG/KS 342, which has its own page
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leather bikini from London, c.43-100 CE, MoL 21233
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Earth personification, linen and wool tapestry, 4th c., Pushkin ET no. 11440
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Nile River personification, linen and wool tapestry stitched to linen, 4th c., Pushkin GMII, I 1a no. 5822
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Artemis, Apollo, hero, satyrs, and Maenads on a woman’s tunic, linen and wool, 4th-5th c. Akhmim, Pushkin 5832
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sacrifice of a captive funeral cushion, linen and wool loop textile with inset, 5th-6th c., Pushkin 5180
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Hestia tapestry, wool, 6th c., DO BZ.1929.1, which has its own page
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silk, Eastern Mediterranean? 6th-7th c., Sens CT
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buffalo, silk, near east (Byzantine?), 6th-7th c., Sens CT B 38
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tunic with fishers on insets, linen and wool, 6th-8th c., Pushkin 6707
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tunic with fishers on insets, linen and wool, 6th-8th c., Pushkin 6707
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lion, medallion tunic inset, linen and wool, 7th c. Akhmim, Pushkin 5177
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caftan, linen/silk samit, 7th-9th c., Met 1996.78.1, prob. fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
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leggings, silk with linen feet, 7th-9th c., Met 1996.78.2a, b, prob. fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
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Tunic of Balthild, linen and silk, c.680, Chelles. This object has its own page.
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tablet-woven band with animals, found in the reliquary of Balthild (d. c.680), Chelles. For wider view see Chelles.
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Assumption of the Virgin, linen, 8th c., Sens CT. This work has its own page.
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man's headdress in helmet form, 8th c. silk/linen/wood/leather, Hermitage КЗ-4576, fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
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cape, 8th-9th c. silk/flax/linen, Hermitage K3-6707, fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
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Baptism of Christ fragment, linen and tempera, 8th to 11th c., Pushkin DB11257
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tunic of Abbess Bertille (d. c.704), silk, Chelles
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Portable reliquary, prob. late 8th c., Sens CT F.63.70. This object has its own page.
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English embroidery on silk from Oseberg ship, late 8th-early 9th c., OsloVSM, which has its own pages
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caftan, silk/fur, 9th c., Hermitage КЗ-6584, fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
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textile, Pre-Columbian Chancay culture, 9th-10th c., Imola
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pheasants, Byzantine silk, early 9th c., Hermitage КЗ-6618, fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page
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Oseberg tapestry, c.834, OsloVSM, which has its own pages with more contemporary textiles
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Cushion of St. Rémi, silk and gold embroidery, Alpheid c.852; on 10th c. silk. This work has its own page.
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gold embroidery on silk core, from Gokstad burial dated 895-903, C10459, OsloVSM, which has its own pages