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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
January 31, 2024

Historical Archive: Around 1200 to mid-century, first half of 13th century, c.1220-1250

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cross encolpion, copper alloy?: Crucifixion, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
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cross encolpion, copper alloy?: Virgin and Child, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
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cross encolpion with hinged fitting, copper alloy?: Virgin and Child, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
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cross encolpion, copper alloy?: engraved Virgin and Child, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
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Roskilde cathedral, mostly late 12th c.-1275, which has its own page
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wrought iron fittings c.1200-50 on 16th c. door, church near Fåborg, NMD D1301
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Arkhangelsk Gospel, c.1200-50 northeast Rus (Rostov?), MSHM
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aquamanile: centaur drummer with flautist, copper alloy, Hildesheim, c.1200-1250, HNM 1860.115. For details see HNM.
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St. James with two pilgrims, molded cameo glass, Venice c.1200-1250, CMA 1985.146
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nave ceiling Tree of Jesse, 1200-50, which has its own page, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Eleanor Vase, band with amethysts prob. first half/mid-13th c., Louvre MR 340. This work has its own page.
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Islamic glass beaker c.1200-90, leather case England c.1450-1500, V&A C.1 to B-1959. This work has its own page.
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Paris, St. Julien le Pauvre, parts c.1210-40. This work has its own page.
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Naumburg cathedral, c.1210-bef. 1272, which has its own pages
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Upper chapel, Palais du Tau, 1215-35; cross, candlesticks 1810. For chapel detail see Reims.
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double seal matrix of the city of Esztergom (Hungary), bronze gilt, 1217-55, HNM Cim.Sec.I.V.3. For other valve see HNM.
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reliquary châsse plaque: Crucifixon and St. Thomas Becket, Master G. Alpais and workshop (French), c.1220-1225, CMA 1951.449
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Chartres cathedral, ambulatory windows 1220-25. For more views see Chartres.
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lion-head door knocker from Wissen an der Sieg, Rheinland (Cologne?) c.1220-30, KGM K4273
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Eagle and dragon lectern, copper alloy, c.1220-30, HildMus D1984-2, which has its own page
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Naumburg cathedral crypt, extension c.1220-30, which has its own page
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Chartres cathedral, nave vaults 1220s. For more views see Chartres.
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Chartres cathedral, choir and apse vaults/buttresses/chapels bef. 1221 or c.1260. For more views see Chartres.
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bronze bell 1221-29, Kloster Wienhausen, which has its own pages
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Chartres cathedral, south transept windows 1221-30. For more views see Chartres.
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Sion, nave, aisles, rood screen of Valère basilica, c.1225-30, which has its own own interior and exterior pages
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Adoration of the Magi, gilt copper/enamel/rock crystal reliquary, Limoges c.1225-50, Hermitage Ф-181. For side view see Hermitage.
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soapstone baptismal font fr. Os, Hordaland, 1225-50, Bergen MA 37. For other views see Bergen.
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font, copper alloy c.1226, Hildesheim Cathedral. This work has its own page.
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Reliquary cross, silver gilt and gems on wood core, Hugo de Walcourt c.1230, MRAH 3214. This work has its own page.
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Chartres cathedral, transepts 1230s, north transept windows 1234-35. For more views see Chartres.
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St. Francis preaching to birds, prayer book c.1230-40, Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, which has its own page
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Stigmatization of St. Francis, reliquary plaque c.1230-40, Limoges enamel on copper, Louvre OA 81, loan to Cluny ML 84. For details see Cluny.
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reliquary fr. Filefjell, copper gilt, Norway 1230-50, Bergen MA 52, which has its own page
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cloister arcade c.1230-50, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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St Albans cathedral pier painting c.1230-70; St Albans has its own pages.
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Saint-Denis basilica, apse, 1231-1245. This work has its own interior page.
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choir vaults 1235, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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Bonaventura Berlinghieri 1235, St. Francis, which has its own page
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John I Komnenos-Doukas, coin reverse, Thessalonika 1237-42? NBM
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St. Maurice, sandstone c.1240-60, Magdeburg, which has its own page
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Baptistery of St. John, Florence: dome mosaics c.1240-1310. This work has its own pages.
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Saint-Denis basilica, nave, 1240s-1270s. This work has its own interior page.
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Holofernes' army devastating the vineyards outside Damascus, stained glass from the Sainte Chapelle, Paris, 1241/43-48, PMA 1930-24-2
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eastern transept 1242-90 Richard of Farnham, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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private seal imprint, Marguerite de Constantinople, countess of Flanders 1244-80, Cluny Cl. 22299, Louvre OA 6691. For oblique view see Cluny.
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font Guido Bigarelli da Como 1245-46, Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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Naumburg cathedral west choir, c.1245-50, which has its own page with links
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Naumburg cathedral west choir windows, c.1245-60, which have their own page
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Holofernes' army crossing the Euphrates, stained glass from the Sainte Chapelle, Paris, 1246-48, PMA 1930-24-3. For detail see PMA.
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Becket ampulla, mid 13th c., lead alloy, MoL TL74[2532]<1671>
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limestone deacon lectern, mid 13th c., Naumburg cathedral east choir, which has its own page
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Saint Faustinus on horseback from Porta della Pile, mid 13th c., Brescia Museum of Santa Giulia. For other views see Brescia.
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beaker with polo players, enamelled and gilded blown glass, Syria, mid 13th c., Louvre OA 6131. This work has its own page.
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glass cameo Deesis, Venice mid 13th c., BNM MA 291
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Thomas Becket ampulla shaped as the ship that brought him to England, with enthroned saint blessing, mid/late 13th c., tin alloy, MoL 84.407