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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
January 16, 2024

Historical Archive: 7th and 6th centuries BCE
and all works dated 6th-5th century BCE

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buckle, Koban, c.1000-500 BCE, MSHM
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woman spinning from Susa, bitumen, 8th-mid 6th c. BCE, Louvre Sb 2834
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bone gryphon head with ram's horns fr. Teishebaini Fortress, near Yerevan, 7th c. BCE, Hermitage 17774. For strict profile see Hermitage.
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Etruscan hands, sheet bronze with gold, Vulci, c.700-650 BCE, Vat 11930/11931. For reverse see Vatican Museums.
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gold head of bird of prey facing right, 7th-5th c. BCE northern Black Sea steppe, Yablonovka, MSHM
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gold head of bird of prey with spirals, 7th-5th c. BCE northern Black Sea steppe, Yablonovka, MSHM
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gold head of bird of prey facing left, 7th-5th c. BCE northern Black Sea steppe, Yablonovka, MSHM
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ibex finial fr. Minusinsk basin, bronze, Tagar culture 7th-3rd c. BCE, Hermitage
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deer/elk finial fr. Minusinsk basin, bronze, Tagar culture 7th-3rd c. BCE, Hermitage
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textile, Pre-Columbian Paracas culture 7th-3rd c. BCE, Imola
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stag facing right, copper alloy? 7th-3rd or 2nd c. BCE, Tagarskaya culture, MSHM
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stag facing left, copper alloy? 7th-3rd or 2nd c. BCE, Tagarskaya culture, MSHM
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miniature Ptah, stone, 26th dynasty Saite period 685-525 BCE, KM 1971.02.0149. For oblique view see Kelsey.
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Etruscan necklace with amber pendants from Regolini-Gelassi tomb, Sorbo necropolis, Cerveteri, c.675-650 BCE, Vat 20557. For details see Vatican Museums.
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amber/bronze fibula fr. Sotto la Rocca--Lippi grave 85, mid-7th c. BCE, Bologna
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collar constructed of Egyptian faience beads, c.650-300 BCE, KM 2001.01.0002. For detail see Kelsey.
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gold hair pin, priestess? Ur 625-539 BCE, Penn B15241. For detail see Penn.
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black-figure Corinthian aryballos from Chaeronea: birds, c. 600 BCE, KM 0000.02.9175. For another view see Kelsey.
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horse, bronze, Greek south Italy (Apulia) c.600-550 BCE, poss. from horse tack, MFAB
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Scythian stag sheild ornament, gold, 6th c. BCE, HNM. For detail see HNM.
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myrtle wreath, gold, 6th c. BCE, Hermitage ГP-19706
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black-figure Attic lekythos: Hercules and the Nemean lion, 6th c. BCE, KM 0000.02.9171. For another view see Kelsey.
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seated figure, ceramic, early 6th c. BCE Greece, SF 1925.389. For frontal view see SF.
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predator, 6th-5th c. BCE, Kazbeksky hoard, MSHM
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predator with chain, 6th-5th c. BCE, Kazbeksky hoard, MSHM
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tin rider, 6th-5th c. BCE, Kazbeksky hoard, MSHM
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disk, poss. 6th-5th c. BCE, Kazbeksky hoard, MSHM
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man with chain, 6th-5th c. BCE, Kazbeksky hoard, MSHM
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phalera: ibex facing right and ?serpents, 6th-5th c. BCE, Kazbeksky hoard, MSHM. For oblique view and companion phalera see MSHM.
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boar, copper alloy? 6th-5th c. BCE South Urals nomads, MSHM
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Asian moose, copper alloy? 6th-5th c. BCE South Urals nomads, MSHM
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bird of prey head, copper alloy? 6th-5th c. BCE South Urals nomads, MSHM
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animal, copper alloy? 6th-5th c. BCE South Urals nomads, MSHM
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bone spoon with predator head and quadruped on bowl, 6th-5th c. BCE South Urals nomads, MSHM
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wood griffin fr. Tuekta barrow 1, Pazyryk culture 6th-5th c. BCE, Hermitage
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leather antlered tiger fr. Tuekta barrow 1, Pazyryk culture 6th-5th c. BCE, Hermitage 2179-912
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amber beads fr. Werblitz (Wierzbnica), Woj. Zachodniopomorskie, Poland, 6th-4th c. BCE, SMB MVFg If 2384a
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Etruscan terracotta oinochoe: dancers and gorgons, Chiusi c.550-500 BCE, AIC on loan from Field Museum no. 1104, cat. no. 96600. This work has its own page.
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Exekias, black-figure amphora from Vulci with Ajax and Achilles playing dice, c.540-30 BCE, Vat 16757. This work has its own page.
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Etruscan gold rosettes, Tuscany late 6th c. BCE. AIC loan from Field Museum no. 2262, cat. no. 239154.1-2
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Etruscan earrings, Tuscany c.520-480 BCE: gold, glass, quartz. AIC loan from Field Museum no. 2262, cat. no. 239191
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black-figure Attic lekythos: Hercules and dancers at a banquet, or Dionysos with maenads, end of 6th c. BCE, KM 0000.00.2596. For another view see Kelsey.
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hybrid figure, chalcedony intaglio, Late Archaic Greek c.500 BCE, Fitz. CG 518. This work has its own page.