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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 10, 2024

Historical Archive: Architecture and its associated media in situ, about 1300 to 1450
See also the separate pages for architectural sculpture not on its buildings in the Object Type Index.
Works are listed in roughly chronological order.

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Caen, church of Saint-Étienne, 11th-14th c., which has its own interior and exterior pages.
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Baptistery of St. John, Florence, 11th-14th c. This work has its own pages.
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Sens, Cathedral of Saint Étienne, c.1140-1517, which has its own interior and exterior pages.
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chapter house, 13th-early 15th c., Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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Sant'Angelo, Perugia, 14th-c. buttresses, baptistery, and portal from Santa Maria dei Servi. Sant'Angelo has its own page.
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Baptistery of St. John, Florence, 14th c. mosaics in window embrasure. This work has its own pages.
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14th-c. paintings, raised sides, roof: Lorsch Torhalle, which has its own page with more paintings
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Saint Jerome, Piero di Puccio 14th c., int. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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St Albans cathedral nave: 14th-c. triforium; St Albans has its own pages.
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Sion Cathedral, Virgin and child with donors and saintly bishops, 14th-15th c., much retouched. For full portal see Sion cathedral.
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Altneuschul, Prague, vestibule 14th-15th c. This work has its own pages.
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iconostasis mostly 14th-16th c., Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own interior page
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Canterbury chapter house, 1304-1405. The chapter house has its own page.
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Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, largely 1307-10, which has its own exterior page
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Kloster Wienhausen, mostly 1308-16, which has its own pages
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St Albans cathedral pier painting c.1310-20; St Albans has its own pages with pier painting prob. c.1300.
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Deesis mosaic, mostly Vincino di Vanni da Pistoia 1321, John: Cimabue 1301-02, int. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages with details
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Dečani monastery church, 1322-31, which has its own pages
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Chapelle de Tous-les-Saints, Sion, Valère, 1323-25, restored 1964
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Cortile del Podesta (courtyard) 1325, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, which has its own exterior page with 1325 building addition
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Kloster Wienhausen nuns' choir, 1325+, which has its own page
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Cappella di Piazza 1325-76, completed by Giovanni di Cecco, iron railings Conte di Lello Orlandi, ceiling 1463-68, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, which has its own exterior page
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Chartres cathedral, Chapel of St. Piatus 1326. For context see Chartres.
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St Albans cathedral elements from cloister 1326-43; St Albans has its own pages with aisle vaults 1335-39.
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hall under nuns' choir c.1330, Kloster Wienhausen, which has its own pages
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Naumburg cathedral gargoyles, c.1330, which have their own page
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Dečani monastery frescoes, 1335-47, which have their own pages
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Muccio and Francesco Di Rinaldo, Torre del Mangia 1338-48, summit design poss. Lippo Memmi: Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, which has its own exterior page with Loggia dei Nove
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Naumburg Marienkirche, bef. 1343, which has its own page
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Karlstejn Castle, 1348-65. This work has its own pages.
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right: Aachen cathedral mid 14th c. bridge between octagon and Westwork. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, Nardo di Cione 1354-57, which has its own page
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western transept window c.1355, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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Aachen cathedral choir, 1355-1414. The cathedral has its own pages.
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St Albans Abbey Gateway 1365, now St Albans School; St Albans has its own pages.
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top level 1372, Pisa campanile, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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St Albans cathedral south aisle: Abbot's door 1377-99; St Albans has its own pages.
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Canterbury cathedral, nave 1377-1400. This work has its own exterior and interior pages.
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Neville Screen by Henry Yevele 1380, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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crossing dome 1380, Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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side chapels 1388, Hildesheim Cathedral, which has its own exterior and interior pages
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Arezzo, church of San Domenico, fresco Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, late 14th c. For a detail see Arezzo churches.
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north tower, late 14th c., Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
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bell tower late 14th c., rebuilt 1701, Kloster Wienhausen, which has its own pages
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Canterbury cloister, 1395?-aft. 1414. The cloister has its own own page.
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Canterbury Water Tower, c.1400 and 1153-67. Canterbury conventual buildings have their own page.
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Arezzo, church of San Francesco, fresco St. Michael and the Rebel Angels, Spinello Aretino (1350-1453)
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St. Cuthbert holding St. Oswald's head, 15th c., feretory, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages with 15th c. painting
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Altneuschul, Prague, gables 15th c. This work has its own pages.
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Sion Cathedral, nave and aisles 15th c., roofed 1469-99. This work has its own page.
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western transept window early 15th c., glass 1869, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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North Paradise, early 15th c., Hildesheim Cathedral, which has its own exterior page
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St Albans clock tower, complete by 1405; St Albans has its own pages.
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North Paradise c.1405, Cathedral, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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center dome covered with gilded bronze 1408, Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own exterior page
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Naumburg Chapel of the Three Kings, 1409-22, which has its own page
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east/west columns in each cluster 1430s, north/south 1153-95, Galilee, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
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left: Aachen cathedral, Chapel of St. Matthew, 1414. The cathedral has its own pages.
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console of standing figure by ambo, sandstone 1430, polychromed 1849, Aachen cathedral choir. The cathedral has its own pages.
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Ceremonial Hall of Archbishop's Palace Novgorod, 1430s, which has its own page
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apse paintings, 1434-37, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page with Chapel of Rarogne and other contemporary paintings
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west window 1436, glass 1867, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages with 1437 tomb
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left: Aachen cathedral, Chapel of St. Anne bef. 1449. The cathedral has its own pages.
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St Albans cathedral Wallingford screen 1476-92; St Albans has its own pages.