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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
August 19, 2023

Historical Archive: Ninth century with more precise dates, 855 to 877, all media

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Crucifixion, crystal intaglio (unengraved reverse), c.825-950, on triptych 1850-61, V&A 7947-1862
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Reliquary triptych, 1850-61: copper, copper gilt, enamel, gems on wood. V&A 7947-1862
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Crucifixion obverse, crystal intaglio, c.825-950, on Ste. Foi reliquary, Conques, abbey treasury
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Crucifixion obverse, crystal intaglio, c.825-950, on Ste. Foi reliquary, Conques, abbey treasury
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Baptism of Christ, crystal intaglio backed with red foil (unengraved obverse), c.830-900. Freiburg im Breisgau, Münster
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Processional cross, attributed to Jos. Som of Ueberlingen (1506-63), Freiburg im Breisgau, Münster treasury
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Crucifixion, crystal intaglio, c.846-69, BM 55.3-5.1
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paten, metalwork mid to second half 9th c., serpentine plate 1st c. BCE/CE, fish inlay poss. 4th/5th c., Louvre MR 415. This work has its own page.
seal matrix of Louis II, jet intaglio, c.850-75, Zurich, Schweizerisches Landesmuseum LM 30439
(Not yet digitized.)
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Samson, ivory comb, Metz? c.850-75, Louvre MR 358
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Samson, ivory comb, Metz? c.850-75, Louvre MR 358
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reverse of ivory comb with Samson, Metz? c.850-75, Louvre MR 358
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top jewel of "Escrain de Charlemagne", aquamarine intaglio of Flavia Julia Titi (d. 91 CE) (unengraved side), sapphires, and pearls in gold, 9th c. (3rd quarter?), CdM Chab. 2089
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top jewel of "Escrain de Charlemagne", aquamarine intaglio of Flavia Julia Titi (d. 91 CE) (engraved side), sapphires, and pearls in gold, 9th c. (3rd quarter?), CdM Chab. 2089
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St. Paul obverse, crystal intaglio, mid to late 9th c., CdM H3416
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St. Paul engraved reverse, crystal intaglio, mid to late 9th c., CdM H3416
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St. Paul, oblique view of reverse crystal intaglio, mid to late 9th c., CdM H3416
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Winged man of St. Matthew, crystal intaglio, mid to late 9th c., on Enger cross c.1100, KGM 88,635. The crystal and cross have their own page.
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Crucifixion, crystal intaglio obverse, c. 850-900, Esztergom cathedral treasury 1964.1.1
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Crucifixion, crystal intaglio engraved reverse, c. 850-900, Esztergom cathedral treasury 1964.1.1
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Crucifixion, crystal intaglio side, c. 850-900, Esztergom cathedral treasury 1964.1.1
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Comb of Heribert: Crucifixion, 2nd half of 9th c., Schnütgen Museum B 100
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Susanna Crystal: rock crystal intaglio, c.855-69, BM 55.12-1.5. This object has its own page.
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seal matrix of Lothar II on the Lothar Cross, crystal intaglio, engraved side, c.855-69, AachenCT. The cross has its own page.
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Lothar II (reg. 855-69) seal: Paris BN, Coll. Bourgogne v.75 no.21
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Baptism of Christ obverse, crystal intaglio, c.855-69, Rouen Musée Départemental des Antiquités 473. This object has its own page.
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Crucifixion, crystal intaglio, c.855-69, CdM 2167ter
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Crucifixion reverse in natural light, crystal intaglio, c.855-69, CdM 2167ter
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Syriac funerary inscription with Christian prayer for Maria, dated 860, Vat
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Charles the Bald prayer book cover ivories: psalms, c.860, Zurich Schweizerisches Landesmuseum AG-1311, DIG-3437
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Louis the German (d.876) seal: 864 Aug. 20, St Gall FF1 H160
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Crucifixion, c.860-70?, V&A 303-1867
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Louis the German (d.876) seal: 866 Aug. 6, St Gall FF1 H169
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Ascension, c.870, BM 1978,0301.1
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Wedding at Cana, c.870, BM 1856,0623.20
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Arrest of Christ ivory, "school of Charles the Bald" c.870, Louvre OA 9526
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Meeting Abner and Joab at Lake Gabaon, ivory c.870, Louvre MR 374
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life of Christ ivory, c.870, SMBByz 598. For details see Berlin.
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Apostles casket, ivory c.870, BNM MA 174-176, which has its own page
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liturgical scenes, ivory, c.870-75? Louvre MR 368, MR 369. This work has its own page.
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Lindau Gospels upper cover, gold/gems, c.870-80, Morgan MS M. 1, which has its own page.
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Louis the German (d.876) seal: 874 Feb. 2, BHA KS44. For an 875 impression see Charters.
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silver chalice from Trewhiddle hoard, before 875, Trewhiddle, Cornwall, Eng., BM 1880,0410.1-3
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Carloman of Bavaria (reg.876-80) seal: 876 Nov. 3, BHA KS47
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Lorsch Torhalle, soon aft 876 or c.820, which has its own page
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Charles the Bald (d.877) seal: 877 July 21, AN K14 no12/1
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Charles the Bald (d.877) seal: 877 July 21, AN K14 no12/1
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Ellwangen casket, bronze, c.877-900, WLM. (This object has its own page.)